
出版时间:2000-9  出版社:上海交通大学出版社  作者:梁为祥 编  页数:272  


  为了贯彻落实国家教育部颁布的最新《非英语专业研究生英语教学大纲》(简称《大纲》,下同)精神和要求,适应21世纪研究生英语教学发展的需要而编写的这套系列教材:《研究生英语教程(读写)》(上下册)、《研究生英语教程(听说)》、《研究生英语教程(练习)》(上下册)和《研究生英语教程(自学辅导)》。由东南大学外语系梁为祥教授担任总主编。  《研究生英语教程(读写)》编写工作严格遵守了《大纲》规定的教学内容、目的和要求。全套教程主要突出“读”和“写”的内容。除了课文后面附有的生词和双解注释之后,还着重编写了重点练习。所以在练习部分,打破传统的编写体系,只安排answer questions,paraphrase和translation(含英译汉两段和汉译英两段,且贴近课文内容)。此后,附上Text B和7篇科技读物。为了帮助学生有效地阅读,还列出了生词和短语。同时,编写了understanding the text,以利学生理解课文。  在《研究生英语教程(读写)》的每个单元后编排了写作内容。上册的写作内容重点突出basic writing(sentence skills),涵盖10个方面内容。下册的写作内容重点突出writing essays and practical writing,也涵盖10个方面内容。每一项也同样包括写作理论指导、实例演绎和写作练习。旨在锤炼学生的写作基本功,达到提高写作水平的目的。


  《研究生英语教程(练习)(上册)》的内容主要涵盖《研究生英语教程(读写)》上下册中Text A,Text B的词汇结构,与课文内容有关的翻译练习(含英译汉和汉译英),同时结合硕士研究生学位统考的题型、内容和难度等编排了一定内容的练习,不仅帮助读者更有效地消化、理解课文,提高英语水平,还有助于读者增强应试能力。


Unit OneUnit TwoUnit ThreeUnit FourUnit FiveUnit SixUnit SevenUnit EightUnit NineUnit TenKey to Exercises


  Our century has seen many technological discoveries. The oddest discovery so far and perhaps the most useful, was made in 1954. a way to transform some of the energy within the atom to a unique kind of light. This new form of light is so powerful that it has reached the moon, and so fiery that it can burn through asbestos and four-inch- thick firebricks as if they were tissue paper.  The instrument generating this fantastic light is called a laser. (The word laser is an acronym, fr  m light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. ) There are two commonly used lasers: one, a glass tube filled with helium, nitrogen, or carbon dioxide gas; the other, a rod of synthetic ruby crystal enclosed in an enameled steel box. Both types have shutterlike devices controlling the release of light.  When the gases or ruby crystals are exposed to intense bolts of light, somewhat like those given off by flash bulbs, an extraordinary phenomenon occurs. It occurs in the subatomic particles orbiting, like planets, around the greater number of particles forming the "sun" or nucleus of the atom. There are no nontechnical words to describe this phenomenon among the orbiting particles of the material being lased. The best explanation scientists can offer us is that the bolts of light so "excite" these particles that they work themselves up to an energy level much higher than normal. Then, when they "relax" to their normal state,: they discharge the excess energy in the form of light waves.



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