
出版时间:2004-2  出版社:上海交通大学出版社  作者:郭兆康 编  页数:250  字数:235000  




本书是为适应21世纪高职教育而编写的教材。全书共18课,内容涵盖广泛、丰富,涉及了诸如旅游业概论、旅游沟通、旅游营销、旅行社、饭店、旅游购物、康乐、旅游交通、旅游文化以及国际旅游业等方面。    本书可作为高等院校、高职旅游学校旅游外语系及旅游专业高年级学生的教材,也可作为在职旅游管理人员、中等旅游职业学校教师的参考书。


Unit One WHAT IS TOURISM  Text A:What Is Tourism  Text B:Trends in Tourism  ExercisesUnit Two  TOURISM ATTRACTIONS AND TOURISTS  Text A:Tourism Attractions  Text B:Motivations and Tourists  ExercisesUnit Three  TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY  Text A:Tourism Development  Text B:The Principles of Sustainable Management  ExercisesUnit Four  TOURISM PLANNING  Text A:Planning and Tourism  Text B:Planning for and of TourismUnit Five  TOURISM COMMUNICA TION  Text A:Communication:The Foundation  Text B:Travel Industry and Internet Commerce  ExercisesUnit SixUnit SevenUnit EightUnit NineUnit TenUnit ElevenUnit TwelveUnit ThireteenUnit FourteenUnit FifteenUnit SixteenUnit SeventeenUnit EighteenExercises主要参考书目


Tourism on any significant scale brings with its development. Un-fortunately the word "development" is about as overused as the word'environment'. So what is precisely meant by development? Develop-ment can be used in a number of different ways. It can be used to refer toa "process". Development might be an evolutionary process and is "ofsomething" whether it be a person, a place, a character, or an economy.According to some scholars development is often qualified by such wordsas "under", "over" or "balanced" which suggest some qualitative judge-ment on the development, "under" meaning too little, "over" meaningtoo much, and "balanced" mcaning just right.Development can also be used as a state or condition. Economies ofthe Third World are often referred to as underdeveloped or developing.The Gold Coast, the northern shores of the Mediterranean and parts ofFlorida are in a highly developed state as far as tourism is concerned. De-velopment as a "process" and as a "state" has relevance to the study oftourism.





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