
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:上海交通大学出版社  作者:马玉蕾,苗瑞琴 主编  页数:339  




本书介绍了英美两国社会文化背景和生活习俗,共分十二章,涵盖政治、经济、文化、社会生活等诸多方面,每章还有相关话题讨论、文化知识测试和名人名言,将英美文化的学习融人口语、阅读和写作练习中。兼具实用性与知识性。    可用作研究生、本科生选修课教材,也适合读者自学使用。


Chapter 1  Introduction to Cross-Cultural Communication  1.1  Overview  1.2  Features of Culture  1.3  Culture and Language  1.4  Intercultural Communication  1.5  Culture ShockChapter 2  One Man's Meat Is Another Man's Poison: American and British Characters and Values  2.1  American Values  2.2  British ValuesChapter 3  Actions Speak Louder than Words:  An Overview of Non-Verbal Communication  3.1  Classification of NVC  3.2  Body LanguageChapter 4  When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do: Traditions and Customs  4.1  Manners and Etiquette  4.2  Love, Marriage, and Family  4.3  Catering Culture and Table Manners  4.4  House in America and BritainChapter 5  Let Words Work Right for You: Formal and Informal English  5.1  British English and American English  5.2  Formal and Informal English  5.3  English Slang: An In{ormal LanguageChapter 6  Let's Strike a Deal: Business Communication  6.1  Business Etiquette  6.2  Writing Business Letters  6.3  Writing Business E-mailChapter 7  Knowledge Is Power: Education  7.1  Education in the United States  7.2  Education in the United Kingdom  7.3  Graduation Ceremony in the U.S.and the U.K.Chapter 8  To Get the Lion's Share: Economic Life  8.1  General Overview of American Economy  8.2  General Overview of British EconomyChapter 9  All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy: Entertainment and Leisure Activities  9.1  Mass Media and Sports in the United States  9.2  Mass Media and Sports in Great BritainChapter 10  Histories Make Men Wise: History and Government  10.1  History and Government of the United States  10.2  History and Government of Great BritainChapter 11  See God to Believe, or Believe God to See: Religions and Beliefs  11.1  Religions in the United States  11.2  Religions in the United Kingdom  11.3  Belief in God and Church-Going in the U.S.and the U.K.  11.4  Religion and Science  11.5  Religion and PoliticsChapter 12  Let's Paint the Town Red and Celebrate: Holidays and Festivals  12.1  Overview  12.2  Holidays and Festivals Shared by the U.S.and the U.K.  12.3  Uniquely American Holidays and Festivals  12.4  Uniquely British Holidays and FestivalsSuggested Answers to Activities and ExercisesBibliography


插图:6. Study each numbered passage below. Be prepared to explain the meaning of each. Then consider each in relation to the statements given above in 5. Which idea, or part of the idea, does each passage support? Explain your answers.   1) "Seeing is believing. "2) The famous folk story of Blind Men and the Elephant. The first man reached up and felt the elephant's ear and said that the elephant was like a fan. The second felt the tail and said the elephant was like a rope. The third, feeling the elephant' s leg, said that the elephant was like a tree. The fourth man felt the elephant's trunk and said that the elephant was like a snake, The fifth man seized the elephant's tusk and said that the elephant was like a stick. The last man, feeling the elephant's side, said that the elephant was like a wall. And all of them were right.3) The traditional Chinese dictionaries have no equivalents for the English words geriatrics (the study of the diseases of old age), gerontology (the study of old age), or senior citizen (a polite American substitute for "old man" or "old woman").   4) In a sect of the Hindu religion, all physical matter is given equal protection by the believers' vow not to kill: they take remarkable care to preserve all living things. House vermin are not killed: they are removed from a house when being spotted. In strict practice the mouth is covered by a cloth so that the air will not be injured.5) Mountain climbing is a popular sport in Western cultures. Once, when asked why he risked life and limb to climb a mountain, an English mountain climber replied, "I climb the mountains because they are there. "6) Harry Truman, former U. S. president, was typical in many ways of the American character and value system One of his favorite responses, when people tried to convince him to support a grand and expensive project, was, "I am from Missouri: you'll have to show me. "





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  •   作为一个非英语专业,但对英语文化十分想了解的我来说,这的确是一本十分有用的书。不仅了解中英语言文化在交际中的区别,同时提高英文阅读水平,值得!
  •   研究生英语教材,还不错
  •   忘了评论了哈,发货挺快的,因为买了四本,有一本好像被压皱了哟
  •   老师的制定用书,挺好的,我们老师教得也非常好
  •   老师推荐的,还不错吧,上课用的
  •   不错。内容丰富实用有趣,涵盖很多细节,而且素材较新。适合英语专业大二学生使用。
  •   书不错 送货慢了点
  •   有点后悔,是大学教科书一类
  •   老师让买的教材,宿舍一起买的,正赶上做活动,挺划算。书写得也挺好。值得推荐。

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