
出版时间:2007-1  出版社:中国对外翻译  作者:许渊冲 译  页数:376  字数:400000  译者:许渊冲  




第一部分 写景抒怀(41首)   张若虚 《春江花月夜》 孟浩然 《春晓》 盂浩然 《晚泊浔阳望庐山》  祖 咏 《终南望余雪》 王 维 《青溪》 王 维 《山居秋暝》 王 维 《使至塞上》 王 维 《竹里馆》 王 维 《辛夷坞》  王 维 《山中》 李 白 《蜀道难》 李 白 《金陵城西楼月下吟》 李 白 《峨眉山月歌》 李 白 《清溪行》 李 白 《望庐山瀑布》 杜 甫 《日暮》 杜 甫 《春夜喜雨》 杜 甫 《江村》  杜 甫 《绝句》 张 继 《枫桥夜泊》 张 潮 《江南行》 于良史 《春山夜月》 戴叔伦 《兰溪棹歌》 李 益 《江南曲》 孟 郊 《巫山曲》 杨巨源 《城东早春》 张 籍 《湘江曲》 韩 愈 《春雪》 韩 愈 《晚春》 刘禹锡 《始闻秋风》 白居易 《钱塘湖春行》 白居易 《杭州春望》 白居易 《暮江吟》 柳宗元 《溪居》 柳宗元 《雨后晓行独至愚溪北池》 贾 岛 《雪晴晚望》 杜 牧 《江南春》 杜 牧 《清明》 温庭筠 《商山早行》 李商隐 《宿骆氏亭寄怀雍崔衮》 李商隐 《天涯》第二部分 咏物寄兴(39首)第三部分 赠别怀人(40首)第四部分 故园乡情(40首)第五部分 情爱相思(30首)第六部分 咏史怀古(30首)第七部分 边塞军旅(20首)第八部分 政治讽喻(20首)第九部分 人格境界(20首)第十部分 人生感悟(20首)


  My forehead barely covered by my hair, Outdoors I plucked and played with flowers fair. On hobby horse he came upon the scene; Around the well we played with mums still green. We lived close neighbors on Riverside Lane, Carefree and innocent, we children twain. At fourteen years old I became his bride: I often turned my bashful face aside. Hanging my head, Id look on the dark wall; I would not answer his call upon call. I was fifteen when I composed my brows; To mix my dust with his were my dear vows. Rather than break faith, he declared hed die. Who knew Id live alone in tower high? I was sixteen when he went far away, Passing Three Gorges studded with rocks grey, Where ships were wrecked when spring flood ran high, Where gibbons wails seemed coming from the sky. Green moss now overgrows before our door; His footprints, hidden, can be seen no more. Moss cant be swept away, so thick it grows, and leaves fall early when the west wind blows. In yellow autumn butterflies would pass Two by two in west garden over the grass. The sight would break my heart and Im afraid, sitting alone, my rosy cheeks would fade. "O when are you to leave the western land? Do not forget to tell me beforehand! Ill walk to meet you and would not call it far Even to go to Long Wind Beach where you are."




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  •   看上去挺好,好唯美.
  •   当当网至今还有这样前几年发行的好书,值得非常的感谢
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