
出版时间:2002-4  出版社:化学工业出版社  作者:田学达  页数:241  字数:211000  


本书共分五部分,23篇文章,29篇阅读材料。第一部分介绍环境科学与工程的基本内容、我国的环境保护政策与发展道路、国外特别是美国的环境保护政策和法律法规;第二部分列举人类面临的主要环境问题,包括大气污染、水污染、森林锐减与野生动物灭绝等内容;第三部分分析污染物的基本性质和对人类社会的负面影响;第四部分选择性地介绍一些污染物的处理工艺与技术;第五部分以英-汉对照形式列出环境科学与工程常用词汇3000余条。  本书词汇丰富、语言地道,是一本内容系统、层次分明的环境科学工程专业的英语读本,可供环境科学与工程研究、科技人员,环境管理人员以及相关专业大专院校师生学习参考。


PART Ⅰ ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLICY Passage 1 The Development of Environmental Policy in China Passage 2 The Field of Environmental SciencePART Ⅱ ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS WE ARE FACING Passage 3 Pollutin Is a Dirty Word Passage 4 Natural Disaster and Global Ecological Environment Passage 5 Water Pollution Passage 6 Ocean-the Regulator of Heat on the Earth  Passage 7 Air Pollution  Passage 8 Deforestation  Passage 9 Endangered Species: Birds Passage 10 Population Growth and Tragedy Passage 11 Noise PollutionPART Ⅲ THE NATURE AND EFFECT OF POLLUTION Passage 12 The Nature of Air Pollution  Passage 13 Effect of Air Pollution on Human Health Passage 14 Effect of Air Polluttion on Animal, Plant and Material Passage 15 The Nature of Water Pollution  Passage 16 Biological and Chemical Oxygen Demand  Passage 17 The Nature of Solid Waste Passage 18 Radiation Exposure and Thermal Pollution Passage 19 The Natuure of PesticidesPART Ⅳ POLLUTION CONTROL ENGINEERING Passage 20 Methods of Treating Air Pollutant Passage 21 Treatment Methods of Wastewater Passage 22 Methods of Treating Industrial Solids Passage 23 Disposal and Recycling of Municipal Solid WastePART Ⅴ AN ENGLISH-CHINESE VOCABULARY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING



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