
出版时间:2002-6  出版社:化学工业出版社  作者:韩建国,廖俊必 主编  页数:179  


  本书精选国外优秀的教材、论文,从测控技术与仪器专业培养目标出发,对测量基本原理、概念,控制系统的建模、传递函数、通信网络、现场总线等工业控制系统以及测量测试仪器与设备进行了介绍。旨在扩大学生的知识面,培养学生专业英语的阅读能力,提高学生的词汇量。  本书内容选材较新,覆盖面广,结构体系完整,配有注释、练习及专业词汇。本书为高校测控技术与仪器专业学生的教材,亦可供相关技术人员参考。


CHAPTER. 1 Introduction to MeasurementUnit 1 Definition of Measuremint and Measuremint TheoryUnit 2 Measurement of Quantityes and Measurement DataUnit 3 Measuremint Methods and StrategiesUnit 4 CalibrationUnit 5 Operating CharacteristicCHAPTER. 2 Introduction to Control SystemUnit 6 IntrioductionUnit 7 Process Control SystemUnit 8 Computer Nteword Based Industrial Control SystemsUnit 9 Levels of Industrial ControlUnit 10 Fieldbuses and InteroperabilityCHAPTER. 3 Introduction to Measurement/test Technology and EquipmentUnit 11 T ypical Measurement TechnologyUnit 12 Simple Instrument ModelUnit 13 Signal ProcessUnit 14 Basic Concepts of Communication and NetworkingUnit 15 Data Record and DisplayCHAPTER. 4 Modern Measurement and Control TechnologyUnit 16 Intelligent Control SystemsUnit 17 Machine Vision SystemsUnit 18 Virtual Reality Applications附录附录一 关于如何撰写英文的学术论文附录二 关于英文产品信息资料的网上查询附录三 关于“工程索引”EI附录四 总词汇表



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