
出版时间:1999-08  出版社:中国旅游出版社  作者:朱歧新  页数:561  字数:340000  


Professor Zhu Qixin.is rec-ognized by many as China'steading experta on  rtavel and tourism and has devoted com-siderable strdy to the arts and cultural heritage of his native China, Borna in1938 in Liyang. JiangsuProvince,and graduated in 1965 from the English De-partment of Nanjing University.Professor Zhu majored  in En-glish and was  the author of numerous books on travel and  tourism including Places of In-terest in Beijing, Beijing Prac-tion of Chice Specimens from chinese culture.He served as deputy chief ofTourism Divi-sion of Beijing Travel and Tourism administration .past -time professof of tourism Department of Nankai UNiversitty and member of china national standar dization technical  Committee in Tourism .He was listed in Who's Who in changzhou area in 1998 .


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