
出版时间:2003-8  出版社:中国旅游出版社  作者:李念培  页数:306  字数:250000  


The Summer Palace Of Beijing,the largest and best preserved of all Chinese imperial gardens ,boasts many features-a lake that occupies three-fourths of its 290 hectares ,a traditional seventeem-arched bridge , ahill with palatial buildings as weell as quiet spots dotted by rustic pavilions and cottages , a 36-metre Marble Boat to remind visitors that the garden was built by the despotic Empress Dowager of the Qing Dynasty with funds earmarked for a Chinese navy……


PART Ⅰ  I.ANCIENT LEGENDS,FAIRY TALES AND FABLES     Mother of Sericulture    嫘祖养蚕    The King Calls on a Young Farmer    尧王访舜    Yaowang Fang Shun    娥皇和女英    Ehuang He Nuying jiang Ziya the Peculiar Angler    姜太公钓鱼    Jiang Taigong Diaoyu    King Wen Visits a Wise Man    王文访贤    Winwang Fang Xian    Thousand League Eye and Wind Borne Ear    千里眼和顺风耳    Qianlian He Shunfeng'er    chenxiang Rescues His Mother    劈山救母    Pi Shan Jiu Mu    Han River Nymphs    江妃    Jiang fei    ……      Ⅱ.THE EASTERN ZHOU DYNASTY(770 B.C-221 B.C)  Ⅲ.THE HAN DYNASTY(206 B.C-220 A.D)  Ⅳ.THE THREE KINGDOMS PERIOD(220-265)  Ⅴ.THE JIN(265-420)AND THE SOUTHERN AND NORTHERN DYNASTIES(420-589)  Ⅵ.THE TANG KYNASTY(618-907)  Ⅶ.THE FIVE DYNASTIES(907-960)  Ⅷ.THE SONG DYNASTY(960-1279)  Ⅸ.THE YUAN DYNASTY(1279-1368)  Ⅹ.THE MING DYNASTY(1368-1644)PARY Ⅱ  Ⅺ.THE STORY OF THE WHITE SNAKE  Ⅻ.PILGRIMAGE TO THE WEST  XⅣ.THE RED CHAMBER DREAM  XV.THE ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS  XVⅡ.THE YANG FAMILY OF GENGRALS  ……



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