
出版时间:2013-1  出版社:中国旅游出版社  作者:张建融,杨志超 著  页数:273  字数:70000  


  It is a distinct privilege for us to introduce this book to you.   This is a fruit of our tour guiding experience, our love for the tourism industry. It expresses our enthusiastic work.   The book is for English tour guides, and appropriate material for testing of national tour guides of Zhejiang Province. This is the second edition.   Hangzhou is a pearl in southeast China with its abundant natural beauty.   With the rapid development of tourism in recent years, modern facilities and improved services have been provided for domestic and international tourists.   Visitors from other parts of the world exceeded 2. 54 million in 2011. Indeed, Hangzhou has become a famous scenic city for tourists from all over the world.   As international tour guides, we are exceedingly pleased to publish this second edition guide book.   It provides the most practical, useful, and comprehensive guidance information on beautiful Hangzhou to friends from various parts of the world, overseas Chinese and compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao.  ……






Part I
On-the-way Guide
1. The
Welcome Speech
2. The
Paradise City Hangzhou
Religious Sites
4. The
Grand Canal
5. Four
Professional National Museums
6. On
the Way to the Silk Factory
7. On
the Way to the Tea Village
Hangzhou Cuisine
9. Expo.
2010 Shanghai China
10. The
Farewell Speech
Part II
ScenicArea Guide
11. New
West Lake Project
12. A
Boat Cruise on the West Lake
Lingyin Buddhist Temple
14. Six
Harmonies Pagoda
15. Yue
Fei's Temple and Tomb
16. Song
Dynasty Theme Park
Southern Song Imperial Street
18. Silk
19. Xixi
20. The
Former Residence of Hu Xueyan.
Part III
Zhejiang Guide
Introduction of Zhejiang
Part IV
Questio and Awe


版权页:   3. Religious Sites Hangzhou remains home to many of the religions that haveprospered in China over the centuries. Confucianism, China'soldest extant faith, which could more accurately be called aphilosophy, is still evident in the relationships within families andamong groups of residents. Ancient ancestor worship continuesin the form of respect for the heroes of Hangzhou's past, ascommemorated in the many shrines and tombs along the shoresof West Lake. King Qian's Tomb is perhaps the most strikingexample of this Confucian ethic, as Hangzhou's population andits many tourists still flock here to pay respcts to this founder ofthe Wuyue Kingdom who died over 1000 years ago. However, Hangzhou is especially known as a bastion of theBuddhist faith, which traveled over the Himalayas contained inthe minds and scrolls of Indian missionaries beginning in thesecond century AD. The main tenets of Buddhism hold thatdesire is the root of all suffering, and that only by adhering to thenoble eightfold path of Buddhism can suffering be ended-eitherin this life, on earth, or in the spiritual life, through achievingNirvana. Nirvana is a transcendent state free from suffering and the worldly cycle of birth and rebirth. The basic aims of theprescribed path are to encourage adherents to achieve proprietyin every aspect of life, from action and speech to understandingand concentration. The Wuyue Kingdom, founded by King Qian, was a Buddhistrealm, and during the reign of its kings, the foreign faithflourished along the Qiantang River, and the Chinese adaptedits precepts to fit their own culture, developing strains ofBuddhism with Chinese characteristics.





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用户评论 (总计8条)


  •   全英文啊,一个中文字都没有,太考验人了
  •   这本看起来是旧的
  •   经典教材,必备的书籍,真好。
  •   书比较薄,没有想象中这么厚.但很实用
  •   信息量大,全面,易懂,读完后能很快上手。
  •   书看过了,还挺好的,应该会比较有用
  •   是我们的教材,不错嗯
  •   较薄定价太高,内容很一般

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