
出版时间:2000-7  出版社:法律出版社  作者:信春鹰  页数:221  字数:270000  


PART I OVERVIEW:PATTERNS OF CHANGE IN CHINA‘S LEGAL SYSTEM AND SOCIO-ECONOMY  1 The Legal System of China as of 1960:Background  2 The Major Changes in China's Legal Syste 1978-1995  3 Chinese Economy in 1960,1978 and its Growth to 1995  4 The Relation of Changes in China's Legal System to Economic DevelopmentPART II BUSINESS GOVERNANCE AND CAPITAL FORMATION  1 The Relative Size of the Private Corporate Sector as Compared to the Un-incorporated Private Sector and the State Enterprise Sector Correlates Positively with the Size and Complexity of the Economy  2 The Degree of Capital Formation in the Corporate Sector Changes in Relation the Changes in the Cost of Using the Corporate Fom  3 The Relative Size of the State Enterprise Sector is Independent of the Availability of the Corporate Form,and the Numter of Incorporated State Enterprises does not Correlate with Legal Changes that Lower the Cost of Establishing and Using the Corporate Form  4 The Liberation of the Legal Framework for Raising Equity Finance Correlates Positively with Higher Growth Rates of the Corporate Sector  5 The Corporate Sector,Which is Organized as Joint Stock Companies Relative fo Other Private Companies Share holder Protection Offered by Law  6 The Growth of the Formal Private Sector Correlates Positively with the Deregulation of Real-Estate MarketsPART III THE RELATION BETWEEN CREDIT AND LAWS GOVERNING SECURITY IN TERESTPART IV THE SETTLING OF COMMERCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE DISPUTES



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