
出版时间:2009-11  出版社:中国林业出版社  作者:江泽慧 编  页数:331  


  Land is the most essential environmental element in the earth ecosystem and the fun-damental human beings are dependent on.Land is called "the Mother gestating human beings".Global land degradation has been worsening due to excessive developmen and unsustainable management of land resource.Land degradation has caused vulnerability of some land ecosystemes,dramatic reduction in agricultural and animal husbandry pro-ductivity and has directly threatened food security and ecosystem health of the world .As a major environmental issue threatening human beings live lihood and development,land degradation has increasingly received great attention from the international com-munity.


CHAPTER 1:Opening Addresses and Keynote SpeechCHAPTER 2:Global GEF Partnerships on Land Degradation CHAPTER 3:Outcomes of Cpacity Building to Combat Land Degradation ProjectCHAPTER 4:IEM Approach and ApplicationCHAPTER 5:Climate Change and Land Degradation



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