
出版时间:2010-6  出版社:中国劳动社会保障出版社  作者:孙钰 主编  页数:176  


  本书为国家级职业教育规划教材,由人力资源和社会保障部职业能力建设司推荐。  本书根据高等职业技术院校教学实际,由人力资源和社会保障部教材办公室组织编写。主要内容包括:天然纤维素纤维,蛋白质纤维,化学纤维,纱线,开棉、清棉和混棉,梳棉和精梳,并条和粗纱,细纱,络筒、整经、经纱上浆、机织、机织物、其他织物和纺织品国际贸易。  本书为高等职业技术院校纺织专业教材,也可作为成人高校、本科院校举办的二级职业技术学院和民办高校的纺织类专业教材,或作为自学用书。  本书由孙钰、毛雷主编,刘华副主编,王晶晶参编,杨昆审稿。


Unit 1 Natural Cellulosic Fibers1Unit 2 Natural Protein Fibers10Unit 3 Chemical Fibers18Unit 4 Yarns26Unit 5 Opening, Cleaning and Blending36Unit 6 Carding and Combing45Unit 7 Drawing and Roving55Unit 8 Spinning65Unit 9 Winding74Unit 10 Warping82Unit 11 Warp Sizing91Unit 12 Weaving99Unit 13 Basic Weaves108Unit 14 Other Fabrics118Unit 15 International Trade of Textile126Appendix A Vocabulary135Appendix B Translation145Appendix C Textile Industry Acronyms175


  Yarns can be classified in many ways,for example’as either pure yarn or blended yarn according to whether two or more types of fibers were mixed during spinning or carded yarns or combed yarns according to whether a combing process was involved’etc。  There are two kinds of methods of making the yarns.With one method the yarn is produced from staple fibers and called staple yarn;with the other method’ the yarn is made from filament fibers and identified as filament yarn or thrown yarn.



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