英语全能新概念精讲与应用(2最新版)/环球雅思国际英语丛书 (平装)

出版时间:2004-1  出版社:电子工业出版社  作者:张艳  页数:356  字数:736000  




UNIT  1Chapter 1      A private conversation  私人谈话	1Chapter 2      Breakfast or lunch  早餐还是午餐	8Chapter 3      Please send me a card  请给我寄一张明信片	14Chapter 4      An exciting trip  激动人心的旅行	18Chapter 5      No wrong numbers  没有错误号码	23Chapter 6      Percy Buttons  珀西·巴顿斯	28Chapter 7      Too late  为时太晚	33Chapter 8      The best and the worst  最好的和最差的	38Chapter 9      A cold welcome  冷遇	42Chapter 10    Not for jazz  不适于演奏爵士乐	46Chapter 11    One good turn deserves another  礼尚往来	50Chapter 12    Goodbye and good luck  再见,一路顺风	53Chapter 13    The Greenwood Boys  绿林少年	58Chapter 14    Do you speak English  你会讲英语吗	63Chapter 15    Good news  佳音	69Chapter 16    A polite request  彬彬有礼的要求	73Chapter 17    Always young  青春常驻	79Chapter 18    He often does this  他经常干这种事	84Chapter 19    Sold out  票已售完	87Chapter 20    One man in a boat  独坐孤舟	90Chapter 21    Mad or not  是不是疯了  	96Chapter 22    A glass envelope  玻璃信封	100Chapter 23    A new house  新居	103Chapter 24    It could be worse  不幸中的万幸	106UNIT  2Chapter 25    Do the English speak English  英国人讲的是英语吗	109Chapter 26    The best art critics  最佳美术评论家	113Chapter 27    A wet night  雨夜	117Chapter 28    No parking  禁止停车	122Chapter 29    Taxi  出租汽车	128Chapter 30    Football or polo  足球还是水球	132Chapter 31    Success story  成功者的故事	136Chapter 32    Shopping made easy  购物变得很方便	139Chapter 33    Out of the darkness  冲出黑暗	146Chapter 34    Quick work  破案“神速”	150Chapter 35    Stop thief  捉贼	154Chapter 36    Across the Channel  横渡海峡	158Chapter 37    The Olympic Games  奥林匹克运动会	162Chapter 38    Everything except the weather  惟独没有考虑到天气	166Chapter 39    Am I all right  我是否痊愈	169Chapter 40    Food and talk  进餐与交谈	175Chapter 41    Do you call that a hat  你把那个叫帽子吗	180Chapter 42    Not very musical  并非很懂音乐	183Chapter 43    Over the South Pole  飞越南极	186Chapter 44    Through the forest  穿过森林	189Chapter 45    A clear conscience  问心无愧	192Chapter 46    Expensive and uncomfortable  既昂贵又受罪	195Chapter 47    A thirsty ghost  嗜酒的鬼魂	199Chapter 48    Did you want to tell me something  你想对我说什么吗	202UNIT  3Chapter 49    The end of a dream  美梦告终	205Chapter 50    Taken for a ride  乘车兜风	210Chapter 51    Reward for virtue  对美德的奖赏	213Chapter 52    A pretty carpet  漂亮的地毯	216Chapter 53    Hot snake  触电的蛇	220Chapter 54    Sticky fingers  粘糊的手指	223Chapter 55    Not a gold mine  并非金矿	227Chapter 56    Faster than sound  比声音还快	230Chapter 57    Can I help you, madam  你要买什么,夫人	233Chapter 58    A blessing in disguise  是因祸得福吗	236Chapter 59    In or out  进来还是出去	239Chapter 60    The future  卜算未来	242Chapter 61    Trouble with the Hubble  哈勃望远镜的困境	244Chapter 62    After the fire  大火之后	247Chapter 63    She was not amused  她并不觉得好笑	250Chapter 64    The Channel Tunnel  海峡隧道	252Chapter 65    Jumbo versus the police  小象对警察	255Chapter 66    Sweet as honey  像蜜一样甜	258Chapter 67    Volcanoes  火山	261Chapter 68    Persistent  纠缠不休	263Chapter 69    But not murder  并非谋杀	266Chapter 70    Red for danger  危险的红色	269Chapter 71    A famous clock  一个著名的大钟	272Chapter 72    A car called Bluebird  “蓝鸟”汽车	274UNIT  4Chapter 73    The record-holder  纪录保持者	277Chapter 74    Out of the limelight  舞台之外	280Chapter 75    SOS  呼救信号	282Chapter 76    April Fools?Day  愚人节	285Chapter 77    A successful operation  一例成功的手术	287Chapter 78    The last one  最后一支吗	290Chapter 79    By air  乘飞机	293Chapter 80    The Crystal Palace 水晶宫	296Chapter 81    Escape  脱逃	299Chapter 82    Monster or fish  是妖还是鱼	302Chapter 83    After the elections  大选之后	305Chapter 84    On strike  罢工	308Chapter 85    Never too old to learn  活到老学到老	311Chapter 86    Out of Control  失控	314Chapter 87    A perfect alibi  极好的不在犯罪现场的证据	317Chapter 88    Trapped in a mine  困在矿井里	319Chapter 89    A slip of the tongue  口误	322Chapter 90    What誷 for supper  晚餐吃什么	324Chapter 91    Three men in a basket  三人同篮	327Chapter 92    Asking for trouble  自找麻烦	329Chapter 93    A noble gift  崇高的礼物	332Chapter 94    Future champions  未来的冠军	334Chapter 95    A fantasy  纯属虚构	337Chapter 96    The dead return  亡灵返乡	340经典背诵句型 	343



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