
出版时间:1999-5  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:L. D. Landau,E. M. Lifshitz  页数:544  


IN Tats edition the book has been considerably augmented arid revised, with the assistance of L. P. Pitaevskil throughout. . New sections have been added on the magnetic properties of gases, the thermodynamics of a degenerate plasma, liquid crystals, the fluctuation theory of phase transitions of the second kind, and critical phenomena. The chapters on solids and on the symmetry of crystals have been substantially enlarged, in particular by a fuller account of the theory of irreducible representations of space groups as applied to the physi..


  In this edition the book has been considerably augmented and revised,with the assistance of L.P.Potaevskil throughout.  New xections have been added on the magnetic properties of gases,the thermodynamics of a degenerate plasma,liquid crystals,the fluctuation theory of phase transitions of the second kind,and critical phenomena.……


Preface to the third Russian editionFrom the prefaces to previous Russian editionsNolationⅠ.THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS1.Statistical distributions2.Statistical independence3.Liouville's theorem4.The significance of energy5.The statistical matrix6.Statistical distributions in quantum statistics7.Entropy8.The law of incrcase ofentropyⅡ.THERMODYNAMIC QUANTITIES9.Temperature10.Macroscopic motion11.Adiabatic processes12.Pressure13.Work and quantity of heat14.The heat function15.The free energy and the therrnodynamic potential16.Relations between the derivatives of thermodynamic quantities17.The thermodynamic scale of temperature18.The Joule-Thomson process19.Maximum work20.Maximum work done by a body in an extemal medium21.Thermodynamic inequalities22.Le Chatelier's principle23.Nemst's theorem24.The dependence of the thermodynamic quantities on the number of particles25.Equilibrium of a body in an extemal field26.Rotating bodies27.Thermodynamic relations in the relativistic regionⅢ.THE GIBBS DISTRIBUTION28.The Gibbs distribution29.The Maxwellian distribution30.The probability distribution for an oscillator31.The free energy in the Gibbs distribution32.Thermodynamic perturbation theory33.Expansion in powers of fi34.The Gibbs distribution for rotating bodies35.The Gibbs distribution for a variable number of particles36.The derivation of the thermodynamic relations from the Gibbs distributionⅣ.IDEAL GASES37.The Boltzmann distribution38.The Boltzmann distribution in classical statistics39.Molecular collisions40.Ideal gases not in equilibrium41.The free energy of an ideal Boltzmann gas42.The equation of state of an ideal gas43.Ideal gases with constant specific heat44.The law of equipartition45.Monatomic ideal gases46.Monatomic gases.The effect of the electronic angular momentum47.Diatomic gases with molecules of unlike atoms.Rotation of molecules48.Diatomic gases with molecules of like atoms.Rotation of moleculcs49.Diatomic gases.Vibrations of atoms50.Diatomic gases.The effect of the electronic angular momentum51.Polyatomic gases52.Magnetism of gasesⅤ.THE FERMl AND BOSE DISTRIBUTIONS53.The Fermi distribution54.The Bose distribution55.Fermi and Bose gases not in equilibrium56.Fermi and Bose gases of elementary particles57.A degenerate electron gas58.The specific heat of a degenerate electron gas59.Magnetism of an electron gas.Weak fields60.Magnetism of an electron gas.Strong fields61.A relativistic degenerate electron gas62.A degenerate Bose gas63.Black-body radiationⅥ.SOLIDS64.Solids at low temperatures65.Solids at high temperatures66.Debye's interpolation formula67.Thennal expansion of solids68.Highly anisotropic crystals69.Crystal lattice vibrations70.Number density of vibrations71.Phonons72.Phonon creation and annihilation operators73.Negative temperaturesⅦ.NON-IDEAL GASES74.Deviations of gases from the ideal state75.Expansion in powers of the density76.Van der Waals' formula77.Relationship of the virial coefflcient and the scattering amplitude78.Thermodynamic quantities for a classical plasma79.The method of correlation functions80.Thermodynamic quantities for a degenerate plasmaⅧ.PHASE EQUILIBRIUM81.Conditions of phase equilibrium……Ⅸ.SOLUTIONSⅩ.CHEMICAL REACTIONSⅪ.PROPERTIES OF MATTER AT VERY HIGH DENSITYⅫ.FLUCTUATIONSⅩⅢ.THE SYMMETRY OF CRYSTAL.SⅩⅣ.IV.PHASE TRANSITIONS OF THE SECOND KIND AND CRITICAL PHENOMENAⅩⅤ.SURFACESIndex


In this edition the book has been considerably augmented and revised,with the assistance of L.P.Potaevskil throughout.New xections have been added on the magnetic properties of gases,the thermodynamics of a degenerate plasma,liquid crystals,the fluctuation theory of phase transitions of the second kind,and critical phenomena.……  此书为英文版。




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  •   物理问题阐述十分清晰独特,基本问题不厌其烦地强调,结构十分突出,成书早却全无过时之感,基础不好读起来有些困难,但综观同类书籍,很多名著都如过江之鲫,淹没于历史,本书还在引领潮流,个人认为,此类书之卓越,上无出其右者。
  •   Landau的书是大家风范,这是本花大量的篇幅从方方面面剖析什么是"闭系"什么是"绝热"的统计物理教材,非常值得一读.
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  •   从读者的角度出发,这是相对国内教材最大的优势了吧
  •   Landau系列理论书,值得好好再学习。
  •   对于一些基本概念的讲解非常细致,后面论述了一些相变理论的内容。
  •   世图就喜欢对厚厚的教材用最烂的无线胶装。才到第80页,相对的两页中间的内容已经看不到了,必须使劲儿压才能够看到。相信用不了多久,这本书也会变成碎书页。。。
  •   朗道的书都是个性太强。如果是深入理解的人应该觉得是本好书,不适合非天才的人作为入门读物。还没看完,正在慢慢研读中!
  •   朗道的书我买了三本,两本是世图自己印的,另外一本也是影印版,不过好像是Elsevier在中国印的。印刷质量差别太大了。世图自己印的跟图书馆80年代的书差不多,可能还不如。建议自己去书店买,看看印刷质量,运气好的话应该可以找到印的好的版本。书本身还是不错的,我们教授评价很高。
  •   朗道的书是不错的,但本科低年级的同学还是善待自己吧。
  •   但是用处不大,而且朗道的语言很难懂。
  •   本人不是物理系的,看起来有点吃力。书质量不错,就是字比较小。

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