
出版时间:2000-6  出版社:北京世图  作者:A.Scragg  页数:249  


《环境生物技术(英文版)》由世界图书出版公司出版,内容包括:Overview、Environmental monitoring、Sewage treatment、Clean technology, domestic, industrial and agricultural wastes、Bioremediation、Energy and biofuel等。


PrefaceSIunits1 Overview  1.1 Introduction  1.2 Environmental biotechnology  1.3 Pollution  1.4 Biotechnological treatment of pollution  1.5 References2 Environmental monitoring  2.1 Introduction  2.2 Sampling  2.3 Physical analysis  2.4 Chemical analysis  2.5 Biological analysis  2.6 Monitoring pollution  2.7 Biosensors  2.8 Conclusions  2.9 References3 Sewage treatment  3.1 Introduction  3.2 Function of waste treatment systems  3.3 Treatment  3.4 Modifications to existing processes  3.5 Removal of nitrogen compounds  3.6 Sludge treatment  3.7 Anaerobic digestion  3.8 Conclusions  3.9 References4 Clean technology, domestic, industrial and agricultural wastes  4.1 Introduction  4.2 Clean technology  4.3 Recycling  4.4 Domestic wastes  4.5 Artificial wetlands  4.6 Agricultural wastes  4.7 Industrial wastes  4.8 Conclusions  4.9 References5 Bioremediation  5.1 Introduction  5.2 Inorganic waste  5.3 Petroleum-based wastes  5.4 Synthetic organic compounds  5.5 Phytoremediation  5.6 Gaseous wastes  5.7 Desulphurisation of coal and oil  5.8 Conclusions  5.9 References6 Energy and biofuel  6.1 Introduction  6.2 Alternative non-fossil energy sources  6.3 Biological energy sources  6.4 Combustion of biomass  6.5 Biogas  6.6 Oils  6.7 Ethanol  6.8 Hydrogen production  6.9 Conclusions  6.10 References7  Natural resource recovery  7.1 Introduction  7.2 Oil recovery  7.3 Biorecovery of metals  7.4 Conclusions  7.5 References8 Agrobiotechnology  8.1 Introduction  8.2 Improved plants  8.3 Diagnostics  8.4 Improved animals  8.5 Animal vaccines  8.6 Biodiversity  8.7 Conclusions  8.8 References9 Future prospectsGlossaryIndex



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