
出版时间:2001-4  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:L.Mandel,E.Wolf 著  页数:1166  


Prior to the development of the first lasers in the 1960s, optical coherence was not a subject with which many scientists had much acquaintance, even though early contributions to the field were made by several distinguished physicists, including Max you Lane, Erwin Schrodinger and Frits Zernike. However, the situation changed once it was realized that the remarkable properties of laser light depended on its coherence. An earlier development that also triggered interest in optical coherence was a series of important experiments by Hanbury Brown and Twiss in teh 1950s,showing that, correlations between the fluctuations of mutually coherent beams of thermal light could be measured by photoelectric correlation and two-photon coincidence counting experiments. The interpretation of these experiments was, however, surrounded by controversy, which emphasized the need for understanding the coherence properties of light and their effect on the interaction between light and matter.


Preface1 Elements of probability theory  1.1 Definitions  1.2 Properties of probabilities   1.2.1 Joint probabilities   1.2.2 Conditional probabilities   1.2.3 Bayes'theorem on inverse probabilities  1.3 Random variables and probability distributions   1.3.1 Transformations ofvariates   1.3.2 Expectations and moments   1.3.3 Chebyshev inequality  1.4 Generating functions   1.4.1 Moment generating function   1.4.2 Characteristic function   1.4.3 Cumulants  1.5 Some examples of probability distributions   1.5.1 Bernoulli or binomial distributiou   1.5.2 Poisson distribution   1.5.3 Bose-Einstein distribution   1.5.4 The weak law of large numbers  ……2 Random processes3 Some useful mathematical techniques4 Second-order Coherence theory of scalar wavefields5 Radiation form sources of any state of coherence7 Some applications of second-order coherence theory8 Higher-order correlations in optical fields9 Semiclassical theory of photoelectric detection of light10 Quantization of the free electromagnetic field11 Coherent states of the electromagnetic field12 Quantum correlations and photon statistics13 Radiation from thermal equilibrium sources14 Quantum theory of photoelectric detection of light15 Interaction between light and a two-level atom16 Collective atomic interactions17 Some general techniques for treating interacting systems18 The single-mode laser19 The two-mode ring laser20 Squeezed states of light22 Some quantum effects in nonlinear opticsReferencesAuthor indexSubject index




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  •   这本书是英文影印版。比较厚,不是很适合作为初次学习相干光学或者量子光学的教材,但很适合作为一本参考书。 要想知道光场的量子性质,这本书从各个方面详细给予阐述。其中本书中也有一些有用的数学方法:任意相干状态源的辐射;二阶相干理论的一些应用;光与光电检测的半经典理论;量子关联与量子统计;集体原子相互作用;单模激光器;光的压缩态;非线性光学中的一些量子效应。
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