
出版时间:2003-9  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:Fagan  页数:203  




PrefaceAcknowledgementsDedicationPart h Basic Medical Science . 1.Overview of the Cardiovascular    System    Why do we need a cardiovascular    system?    Functions of the cardiovascular    system    The heart and circulation 2. Structure and Function of    the Heart    Organization of cardiac tissue     Cellular physiology of the heart    The cardiac cycle    Electrical properties of the heart    Control of cardiac output 3. Structure and Function of the    Vessels    Organization of the vessels    Vascular endothelium and smooth    muscle     Haemodynamics in arteries and    veins    Capillary dynamics and transport    of solutes     Lymph and the lymphatic system. 4. Control of the Cardiovascular     System     Control of blood vessels     Cardiovascular receptors and     central control     Regulation of circulation in     individual tissues     Coordinated cardiovascular     responses 5. The Cardiovascular System in     Disease      Shock and haemorrhage     Hypertension     Lipids and the cardiovascular     system    Arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis    Aneurysms     Ischaemic heart disease     Heart failure     Arrhythmia      Disorders of the heart valves     Diseases of the myocardium     Diseases of the pericardium     Inflammatory vascular disease     Congenital abnormalities of the' heart.     Congenital abnormalities of     the vessels     Neoplastic heart disease     Neoplastic vascular disease     Diseases of the veins and     lymphatics      Therapeutic interventions in     cardiovascular diseasePart II: Clinical Assessment 6. Common Presentations of     Cardiovascular Disease     Common presenting complaints 7. History and Examination     Taking a history     Observation of the whole body     The limbs     Peripheral arterial pulses     Head and neck     Thorax     Abdomen 8. Investigations and Imaging      Investigation of cardiovascular     function        Routine investigations      Imaging of the cardiovascular system.Part III Self-assessment      Multiple-choice Questions        Short-answer Questions       Essay Questions       MCQ Answers       SAQ AnswersIndex


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