量子场论 第2卷

出版时间:2004-11  出版社:世界图书出版社  作者:Steven Weinberg  页数:489  


This volume describes the advances in the quantum theory of fields that have led to an understanding of the electroweak and strong interactions of the elementary particles. These interactions have all turned out to be governed by principles of gauge invariance, so we start here in Chapters 1'5-17 with gauge theories, generalizing the familiar gauge invariance of electrodynamics to non-Abelian Lie groups.


PREFACE TO VOLUME II. NOTATION 15 NON-ABELIAN GAUGE THEORIES   15.1 Gauge Invariance   15.2 Gauge Theory Lagrangians and Simple Lie Groups   15.3 Field Equations and Conservation Laws   15.4 Quantization   15.5 The De Witt-Faddeev-Popov Method   15.6 Ghosts   15.7 BRST Symmetry   15.8 Generalizations of BRST Symmetry   15.9 The Batalin-Vilkovisky Forma!~m   Appendix A A Theorem Regarding Lie Algebras   Appendix B The Cartan Catalog   Problems   References 16 EXTERNAL FIELD METHODS   16.1 The Quantum Effective Action   16.2 Calculation of the Effective Potential   16.3 Energy Interpretation   16.4 Symmetries of the Effective Action  Problems  References17 RENORMALIZATION OF GAUGE THEORIES18 RENORMALIZATION GROUP EMTHODS19 SPONTANEOUSLY BROKEN GLOBAL SYMMETRIES20 OPERATOR PRODUCTI EXPANSIONS21 SPONTANEOUSLY BROKEN GAUGE SYMMETRIES22 ANOMALIES23 EXTENDED FIELD CONFIGURATIONSAppednix A Euclidean Path IntegralsAppednix B A List of Homotopy GroupsProblemsReferencesAuthor IDEXSUBJECT INDEX




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