
出版时间:2004-11  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:,Robert M.Switzer,, 编  页数:526  


This book is the result of lecture courses on algebraic topology given by the author at the University of Manchester in 1967-1970, at Cornell University in 1970-1971 and at the Georg August University, Gottingen, in 1971-1972. The level of the material is more advanced than that of a first-year graduate course in algebraic topology; it is assumed that the student has already had a course on basic algebraic topology which included singular homology, the fundamental group and covering spaces. Moreover, a student who has never encountered differentiable manifolds will probably have difficulty with Chapter 12. On the other hand nO knowledge of homotopy theory beyond the fundamental group is assumed.


Chapter 0 Some Facts from General Topology Chapter 1 Categories, Functors and NaturalTransformations Chapter 2 Homotopy Sets and Groups Chapter 3 Properties of the Homotopy Groups Chapter 4 Fibrations Chapter 5 CW-Complexes Chapter 6 Homotopy Properties of CW-Complexes Chapter 7 Homology and Cohomology Theories Chapter 8 Spectra Chapter 9 Representation Theorems Chapter 10 Ordinary Homology Theory Chapter 11 Vector Bundles and K-Theory Chapter 12 Manifolds and Bordism Chapter 13 Products Chapter 14 Orientation and Duality Chapter 15 Spectral Sequences Chapter 16 Characteristic Classes Chapter 17 CohomologyOperations and Homology Cooperations Chapter 18 The Steenrod Algebra and its Dual Chapter 19 The Adams Spectral Sequence and the e-Invariant Chapter 20 Calculation of the Cobordism GroupsBibliographySubject Index




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