
出版时间:2005-6  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:G.P.Witomski  页数:442  


  《傅立叶分析和应用(英文版)》全英文详细介绍了傅立叶分析和应用。其主要内容有:Signals and Systems;Periodic Signals;The Discrete Fourier Transform Transform and Numerical Computations;The Lebesgue Integral等。


Translator‘s Preface Preface to the French Edition ChapterⅠSignals and Systems  Lesson 1 Signals and Systems   1.1 General considerations   1.2 Some elementary signals   1.3 Examples of systems  Lesson 2 Filters and Transfer Functions   2.1 Algebraic properties of systems   2.2 Continuity of a system   2.3 The filter and its transfer function   2.4 A standard analog filter: the RC cell   2.5 A first-order discrete filter ChapterⅡPeriodic Signals  Lesson 3 Trigonometric Signals   3.1 Trigonometric polynomials   3.2 Representation in sines and cosines   3.3 Orthogonality   3.4 Exercises  Lesson 4 Periodic Signals and Fourier Series   4.1 The space L2/p(0,a)    4.2 The idea of approimation……ChapterⅢ The Discrete Fourier Transform Transform and Numerical ComputationsChapterⅣ The Lebesgue IntegralChapterⅤ SapcesChapterⅥ Hilbert SpacesChapterⅦ Analong FiltersChapterⅧ DistributionsChapterⅨ Convolution and the Fourier Transform of DistributionsChapterⅩ Filters and DistributionsChapterⅪ Sampling and Dicrete FiltersChapterⅫ Current Trends:Time-Frequency AnalysisReferencesIndex



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