
出版时间:2009  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:Joseph H.Greenberg  页数:422  字数:570000  译者:中文导读  


本书汇集了格林伯格讨论语言发生学的理论和方法,以及世界语言发生学分类的重要论文,由威廉·克罗夫特(W.Croft)选编。全书分为四个部分,每部分包括若干篇论文。第一部分是语言分类;第二部分是关于语言分类、语音对应、原始语重构的观点论述;第三部分是对印度洋一太平洋诸岛语言分类、美洲印第安语言分类、欧亚语系分类的广泛论述;第四部分是从历史、考古、人类迁徙等角度撰写的一些书评和短文。    本书可以作为历史语言学家、历史学家、考古学家和其他专业专家的参考,也可供研究生学习了解格林伯格语言发生学分类的思想、观点和方法。


约瑟夫·哈罗德·格林伯格(Joseph HaroldGreenberg,1915-2001)是美国著名语言学和人类学家。他通晓多种语言,一生著述丰富。作为语言学家,他获得了广泛的赞誉,是第一个入选美国国家科学院的语言学家,还曾担任美国语言学会主席等职。他是迄今为止人类语言发生学领域最多产


《西方语言学视野》总序《语言发生学:理论与方法文集》导读原书目录前言作者介绍第一部分:语言分类,语系和语组  1.历史语言学与无文字语言(1953)  2.语言的发生学关系(1957)  3.语言系属分类的问题(1957)  4.中美洲和南美洲语言的分类(1960)   4.1 附录:中美洲与南美洲语言的暂拟分类  5.语言分类的方法论(1963)第二部分:语言分类,语音对应和重构  6.语言发生学分类的原则(1987)    6.1 附录:语言年代学应用于多语言的一般方法(1987)  7.语言学与生物学的归并与分化(1999)  8.语言发生学的证明概念(2000)  9.闪含语词源词典述评:重构的语料(1996)  10.原始语言变体:历史语言学与社会语言学的关联(1989)  11.印欧学者的语言分类实践与美洲印第安语学者的语言分类理论(1990)第三部分:印度洋-太平洋诸岛大语系,美洲印第安大语系,欧亚大语系  12.印度洋-太平洋诸岛大语系假说(1971)  12.1附录:Timothy Useher:格林伯格和乌尔玛关于大洋洲非南岛语系、非澳洲语系分类的比较  13.美洲印第安语言的分类:答Campbell(1989)  14.论捍卫美洲印第安大语系(1996)  15.阿尔泰语系存在吗?(1997)  16.欧亚大语系与诺斯特拉大语系的趋同现象(1998)第四部分:语言发生学与人类历史  17.语言的类型与历史:评尼科尔斯《空间和时问上的语言多样性》(1993)  18.有混合语言吗?(1999)  19.语言与考古学:评伦夫鲁《考古学与语言:印欧语起源之谜》和鲁伦《世界语言指南(第一卷):分类》(1988)  20.大陆桥与新世界起源:语言学证据(1996)与格林伯格语言发生学理论和方法相关的著作目录    A.格林伯格语言发生学论著    B.有关格林伯格语言发生学论著的述评和讨论作者索引主题索引


  My purpose in this chapter is to discuss genetic classification; but I hope that the discussion will also help to explain and justify a deviation from what has become virtually a compulsory practice among American Indianists: the use of sound correspondence tables and asterisked reconstructed forms.  In proceeding in this manner, this volume will resemble my first published classificational work, namely, that on African languages (Greenberg 1963). In that study I did not use a single asterisk or a single table representing a reconstructed sound system; and although I made occasional reference to particularly striking sound correspondences, these figured in no essential way as part of my method. There were, however, extensive lists of proposed etymologies, both lexical and grammatical, and shared grammatical irregularities. Yet it is reasonable to assert that this classification has won general acceptance and has become the basis for a considerable body of comparative work on African languages.These aspects of my methodology earned me a fair share of criticisms, of course, even from those who accepted and built on my results in their own investigations. The following are representative quotations. The first are the views of William Welmers (1973: 5, 6, 15, respectively): Greenberg has not, to be sure, demonstrated the existence of regular sound correspondences among all of the languages in any of the four language families he posits for Africa, although it has already been implied that such correspondences are the only real proof of genetic relationship. In fact, evidence that falls short of clear demonstration of regular phonetic correspondences may nevertheless be overwhelming But the nature of the similar forms with similar meanings which Greenberg cites, and the number of them, is such that the fact of genetic relationship can be considered established For all practical purposes the validity of the four families can be considered established.


  《语言发生学:理论与方法文集》汇集了格林伯格讨论语言发生学的理论和方法,以及世界语言发生学分类的重要论文,由威廉·克罗夫特(W.Croft)选编。 全书分为“语言分类,语系和语组”、“语言分类,语音对应和重构”、“印度洋-太平洋诸岛大语系,美洲印第安大语系,欧亚大语系”、“语言发生学与人类历史”这四个部分,每部分都包括若干篇论文。




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用户评论 (总计4条)


  •   发货错误 没看到书 第一次遇见这种情况 郁闷!
  •   大致上翻了翻,还是不错的。搞专业的应该买。
  •   正如所想。
  •   语言的分类,尤其是北美洲和南美洲语言的分类,太累人了。建议国内出版汉译版。。。。。。。。

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