
出版时间:2008-3  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:约斯特  页数:566  


Riemannian geometry is characterized, and research is oriented towards and shaped by concepts (geodesics, connections, curvature, ...) and objectives, in particular to understand certain classes of (compact) Riemannian manifolds defined by curvature conditions (constant or positive or negative curvature, ...). By way of contrast, geometric analysis is a perhaps somewhat less systematic collection of techniques, for solving extremal problems naturally arising in geometry and for investigating and characterizing their solutions. It turns out that the two fields complement each other very well; geometric analysis offers tools for solving difficult problems in geometry, and Riemannian geometry stimulates progress in geometric analysis by setting ambitious goals.   It is the aim of this book to be a systematic and comprehensive introduction to Riemannian geometry and a representative introduction to the methods of geometric analysis. It attempts a synthesis of geometric and analytic methods in the study of Riemannian manifolds.




1.  Foundational Material 1.1  Manifolds and Differentiable Manifolds 1.2  Tangent Spaces 1.3  Submanifolds 1.4  Riemannian Metrics 1.5  Vector Bundles 1.6  Integral Curves of Vector Fields. Lie Algebras 1.7  Lie Groups 1.8  Spin Structures Exercises for Chapter 12. De Rham Cohomology and Harmonic Differential Forms 2.1  The Laplace Operator 2.2  Representing Co homology Classes by Harmonic Forms 2.3  Generalizations Exercises for Chapter 23.  Parallel Transport, Connections, and Covariant Derivatives 3.1  Connections in Vector Bundles 3.2  Metric Connections. The Yang-Mills Functional 3.3  The Levi-Civita Connection 3.4  Connections for Spin Structures and the Dirac Operator .. 3.5  The Bochner Method 3.6  The Geometry of Submanifolds. Minimal Submanifolds ... Exercises for Chapter 34. Geodesics and Jacobi Fields 4.1  1st and 2nd Variation of Arc Length and Energy 4.2  Jacobi Fields 4.3  Conjugate Points and Distance Minimizing Geodesics  ... 4.4  Riemannian Manifolds of Constant Curvature 4.5  The Rauch Comparison Theorems and Other Jacobi Field Estimates 4.6  Geometric Applications of Jacobi Field Estimates 4.7  Approximate Fundamental Solutions and Representation Formulae   4.8  The Geometry of Manifolds of Nonpositive Sectional Curvature  Exercises for Chapter 4 A Short Survey on Curvature and Topology5.  Symmetric Spaces and Kahler Manifolds 5.1  Complex Projective Space 5.2  Kahler Manifolds 5.3  The Geometry of Symmetric Spaces 5.4  Some Results about the Structure of Symmetric Spaces .. 5.5 The Space SI(n,R)/SO(n,R)   5.6  Symmetric Spaces of Noncompact Type as Examples of Nonpositively Curved Riemannian Manifolds    Exercises for Chapter 56.  Morse Theory and Floer Homology 6.1  Preliminaries: Aims of Morse Theory 6.2  Compactness: The Palais-Smale Condition and the Existence of Saddle Points   6.3  Local Analysis: Nondegeneracy of Critical Points, Morse Lemma, Stable and Unstable Manifolds 6.4  Limits of Trajectories of the Gradient Flow 6.5  The Morse-Smale-Floer Condition: Transversality and Z2-Cohomology 6.6  Orientations and Z-homology 6.7  Homotopies   6.8  Graph flows 6.9  Orientations 6.10 The Morse Inequalities 6.11 The Palais-Smale Condition and the Existence of Closed Geodesics  Exercises for Chapter 67.  Variational Problems from Quantum Field Theory .. 7.1  The Ginzburg-Landau Functional 7.2  The Seiberg-Witten Functional Exercises for Chapter 78. Harmonic MapsAppendixBibliographyIndex






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  •   此书出了第6版,2011年的,不过读读第四版也不错,起码此书非常适合初学几何分析,虽然还是比较难,相对地还是比其他同类几何分析书要简单多了!
  •   德国人写的书普遍不错
  •   准备潜心研读一番。
  •   电子版的不如图书馆借的,图书馆借的不如复印的,复印的不如自己买的。
  •   书写的简洁清晰。推荐。
  •   比第三版多了一点,很不错
  •   黎曼几何和几何分析是非常重要的领域此书较易读懂
  •   书是不错,但太专业,一般人是不会读也读不懂的
  •   以前大致翻了一下此书,毕业买了一本赠给学几何的兄弟,他说很不错。
  •   暂时没有看太多,就不具体评论了

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