
出版时间:2009-3  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:Washington Irving  页数:255  译者:罗慕谦  




短篇小说是美国早期的文学贡献,在19世纪初即已达到发展颠峰。短篇小说与美国生活方式极为相似:结构简洁,故事通常以单一背景为主,且篇幅短小,人物不多且情节紧凑。其中以华盛顿·欧文(Washington Irving)、霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne),以及爱伦·坡(Edgar Allan Poe)为最重要的短篇小说作家。他们不仅对美国文坛产生了深远的影响,其作品更是现代大学生必读的经典名著。   本书精选了八篇18-20世纪最具代表性的美国短篇小说作品,小说的选篇依作者年代排列,完整收录原著小说,带领读者进入书中遨游。  编排上采用英汉对照,注释采同页注,附IPA音标,兼收欣赏与学习之效。为方便现代读者阅读,并将原文较长段落加以细分。行文间搭配名家插画,令人爱不释手,值得典藏。


作者:(美国)Washington Irving 译者:罗慕谦


1. Rip Van Winkle  李伯大梦2. The Birthmark  胎记3. The Cask of Amontillado  一桶阿蒙蒂拉多酒4. The Lightning-Rod Man  避雷专家5. The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County  卡拉韦拉斯郡驰名的跳蛙6. A Service of Love  爱的牺牲7. The Men in the Storm  风雪沦落人8. Love of Life  热爱生命


插图:He never smiled,he never frowned,he never changed hisvoice from the gentle-flowing key to which he tuned the initialsentence,he never betrayed the slightest suspicion of enthusiasm;but all through the interminable narrative there ran a vein ofimpressive earnestness and sincerity,which showed me plainlythat,so far from his imagining that there was any thing ridiculousor funny about his story,he regarded it as a really importantmatter,and admired itS two heroes as men of transcendentgenius in finesse.To me,the spectacle of a man drifting serenely along through such a queer yarn without ever smiling,was exquisitely absurd.As I said before,I asked him to tell me what he knew of Rev.Leonidas W.Smiley,and he replied as follows.I let him go on in his own way,and never interrupted him once:  There was a feller here once bv the name of Jim Smiley,in the winter of'49 or may be it was the spring of'50 I don't recollect exactly,somehow,though what makes me think it was one orthe other is because I remember the big flume wasn't finished when he first came to the camp;but any wav,he was the curiosest man about always betting on any thing that turned up you ever see,if he could get any bodv to bet on the other side;and if he couldn’t,he’d change sides.Any way that suited the other man would suit him any way just so’s he got a bet,he was satisfied.But still he was lucky,uncommon lucky;he most always come out winner.He was always ready and laying for a chance;there couldn't be no solittry thing mentioned but that feller'd offer to bet on it,and-take any side you please,as I was just telling you.






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