
出版时间:2002-3-1  出版社:中国纺织  作者:弘恢,菲菲  页数:266  




  生活离不开幽默。幽默是一种智慧。浮躁生涩难以幽默,从容淡定才能幽默;装腔作势难以幽默,自然纯真才能幽默;迟钝笨拙难以幽默,聪明透彻才能幽默。  幽默、笑话不是弘篇巨著,而是源自于日常生活,体裁短小精悍,语言活泼生动,风格轻松有趣的智慧灵光。其内容涉及社会经济文化的方方面面,是学习语言的极好素材。  市面上的英语幽默、笑话读物散见于一些英文报刊和小册子中,数量甚少,种类杂乱。本书编者从几百种国内外刊物、图书、网络中精挑细选,收集整理了几百条最精彩的英语笑话,其中既有脍炙人口、历久弥新的经典笑话,也有老少咸宜的童趣幽默,让你时而捧腹大笑,时而会心一笑,甚至在笑声中陷入沉思。  英语笑话大多用词浅显,但要准确领会它的妙趣有时也非易事。建议读者朋友先不看中文,自己慢慢琢磨研究,如果能直接理解其意,发出会心一笑,必然是印象深刻;若还暖昧不明,似通非通,这时再参照中文,就会恍然大悟。不知不觉中,你对笑话里的字词句一定有了更好的掌握。




An English and engineering convention was being held.  On the train to the convention, there were both English majors and engineering majors.  Each of the English majors had his/her own train ticket. But the engineers had only ONE ticket for all of them.The English majors started laughing and snickering. The engineers ignored the laughter. Then, one of the engineers said, "Here comes the conductor. " All of the engineers piled into the bathroom. The English majors were puzzled.The conductor came aboard and collected tickets from all the English majors. He went to the bathroom, knocked on the door, and said, "Ticket please. " An engineer stuck their only ticket under the door. The conductor took the ticket and left.A few minutes later, the engineers emerged from the bathroom. The English majors felt really stupid.On the way back from the convention, the group of English majors had ONE ticket for their group. They started snickering at the engineers, who had NO tickets amongst them. When the engineer lookout shouted, "Conductor coming!" all the engineers again piled into a bathroom. All of the English majors went into another bathroom. Then, before the conductor came on board, one of the engineers left the bathroom, knocked on the other bathroom, and said, "Ticket, please... "





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