
出版时间:2010-11  出版社:中国书籍出版社  作者:车宁薇 编著  页数:290  


  ★以最全面的内容给您一本贴心的英语学习宝典。本书分类详细,典型实用,针对性强。每单元围绕一个主题,将语言知识和行业内容紧密结合,展现丰富的活动场景,介绍最新的专业知识。你可从任一课开始,实现多话题、深层次的交流。  ★以最贴切的结构安排让您脱口而出顺畅讲英语。精选与各场景相关的高频词汇、情景对话、实用句型、生词注释及相关背景知识介绍,并配有中文翻译。本书囊括旅游、购物、住宿、娱乐、交通等方面的高频话题,让您一书在手,别无他求。  ★以最地道的英语让您灵活应用、举一反三。本书语言通俗流畅、言简意赅,句型准确规范、实用易懂。原汁原味、贴近实际工作的经典英文会让您在最真实的氛围中全方位练习英语,为您提供了提高英语水平的便捷途径。  ★以最纯正的朗读为您提供超值的听觉体验。随书附赠的光盘特聘外籍专家朗读,帮助您矫正发音、模仿练习,让您自如应对职场中的英语会话交流,为突破听力、口语关打下坚实的基础。




Part 0Re Hotel Service 酒店住宿 Lesson One Room Reservations 客房预订 Lesson Two At the Information Desk 问讯处 Lesson Three To the Guest Room 引领房间 Lesson Four Housekeeping Service 日常服务 Lesson Five Special Service 特别服务 Lesson Six Settling Guests’Complaints 处理投诉 Lesson Seven Checking out 付帐Part Two Eating and Drinkin9 餐饮 Lesson One Reservation for a Table or a Banquet 预订餐桌和酒席 Lesson Two Receiving Guests 迎接客人 Lesson Three Taking Orders and Introducing Dishes 点菜及介绍菜品 Lesson Four Serving the Dishes 上菜 Lesson Five Paying the Bill 结账 Lesson Six Bar and Cocktail Lounge 酒吧与鸡尾酒厅Part Three Shopping and Entertainment 购物和娱乐 Lesson One Fitness Center 健身中心 Lesson Two At the Nightclub 在夜总会 ……Part Four  Transportation 交通Part Five  Sightseeing and Visits 观光游览


  A: Here we are on the Great Wall.B: It looks really great. The wall is high and looks solid. What'sthe structure of the wall?A: The structure of the wall consists of huge bar-stones andbricks. The inside of the wall has been formed by tamperingearth and small stones, which makes the wall very firm andstrong.B: How wide is it and what are the holes on the wall?A: Internally, the wall is about six meters (20 feet ) wide,which would allow horses to gallop five abreast. A number ofsmall holes have been drilled on the wall to allow archers toshoot arrows. There is also a barrel-drain and a moat bothinside and outside the wall. In a word, military fortificationhas been paramount in every wall detail.B: Oh, yes, it is really safe to defend the intrusion on the GreatWall. But what are those towers on the Wall?A: Those are signal fire platforms~. They were an important partof the whole fortification of ancient China. They were used tosend warning signals. Since the Ming Dynasty, the amount ofsmoke and gunfire released conveyed specific military infor-mation about the enemy. One release of smoke with one shotof gunfire signified 100 enemies; two smoke releases withtwo shots of gunfire meant 500 enemies; three smoke releaseswith three shots of gunfire indicated more than 1 000 ene-mies. Once one signal platform fired a beacon, the otherswould follow likewise so as to make the soldiers alert to thestrength of the enemy.B: Oh, that is really interesting. Let's quicken our steps.A: OK.  ……


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