
出版时间:2009-11  出版社:中国福利会出版社  作者:晓蓓  页数:71  


  像许多古老的民间工艺一样,风筝也是中国传统的民间工艺品。这是一种用细竹竿做骨架,糊上绘有各种图案的纸或丝织品,并借风力放飞于空中的玩赏性工艺品。风筝的种类很多,有拆装式风筝、龙筝、硬翅风筝、软翅风筝等。据说风筝刚刚问世时,是被当作一种传递书信的工具的,最早的记载始见于南北朝时的侯景(503-552)。后来风筝传人民间,便成了人们娱乐的玩具,还在风筝上添加竹笛或丝弦,使之在风力的作用下发出筝乐一样的声音。  在民间风俗活动中,风筝同许多工艺美术品一样,起到交流文化艺术的作用。最初风筝的放飞,表达了人们祛除晦气、迎盼丰收的一种美好愿望,人们以为割断风筝的绳子,便可将病疫放上天空而随风消失,后逐渐成为具有广泛影响性的风俗文化体育活动。


KiteFacial Makeup in OperasMaskPaper-cutShadow FigureChinese Colored LanternsChinese KnotsChopsticksUmbrellaInner-painted BottleCooking Range and the Painting on itBamboo ProductsConfectionery MouldStraw ArticlesScaleBlue' Printed ClothComb


插图:etc. A wooden mask is made through polishing the woodenbody slowly with rubber after the body is molded, in orderto make all edges, corners and lines smooth. Then thewooden body is colored and greased. The exterior of themask is a thin shell with hollow inner part which fits thehuman face exactly. People can put it straight on theirfaces and tie the string on the hindbrain to wear it.Foreigners only knew the facial makeup in China everbefore and they also regarded it as Chinese mask, and thisis obviously a misunderstanding. What facial makeup aimsto achieve is the Plate Echo, which refers to the act thattreats tridimensional human face as a plane and paints onit, whereas mask is more like the sculpture. Facial makeup,as an integral artistic form, appeared much later thanmask. What's more, mask had exerted big influence uponfacial makeup during its forming period. Moreover, as theChinese operas kept spreading, the types of facial makeupalso had specific effect on mask. For example, the ladlemask in Shanxi Province had put the pattern of facialmakeup onto a wooden spurtle.






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