
出版时间:2006-1  出版社:华夏出版社  作者:刘公望  页数:545  字数:949000  


  The first English edition of Fundamentals of Acupuncture & Moxibustion is based on the Japanese edition of this book, which was compiled by Liu Gongwang and Akira Hyodo and has been reprinted four times since its first publication in Tokyo, 1992.


Preface to the Second EditionPREFACEPART A General Introduction Ⅰ  Mechanisma  and Principles of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy   A.Mechanisms of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy    1.Dredging Meridians,Regulating Qi and Blood Circulation    2.Reinforcing Deficiency and Redcuing Excess,Strengthening Body Resistance to Re-move Pathogenic Factors    3.Equilibrating Yin and Yang,Regulating Physical Functions   B.Treatment Principle of Acupuncture and Moxibustion    1.Reinforcing Deficiency and Reducing Excess    2.Clearing Away Heat and Warming Cold    3.Treating the Incidental and Fundamental     4.Treating the Same Disease with Different Methods and Treating Different  Diseases with the Same Method General Introduction Ⅱ  The Science of Acupoint Prescription   A.Method of Acupoint Srescription     1.Selection of the Local Points    2.Selection of the Distal Points    3.Selection of the Left-right Points    4.Selection of the Symptomatic Points   B.Selection of Points According to Syndromes    1.Lung    2.Large Intestine    3.Spleen    4.Stomach    5.Heart    6.Small Intestine    7.Kidney    8.Bladder    9.Pericardium    10.Sanjiao    11.Liver    12.Gallbladder    ……PART B Chapter Ⅰ  Internal Diseases Chapter Ⅱ  Gynecological Diseases Chapter Ⅲ  Pediatric Diseases Chapter Ⅳ  Diseases of The Eye,Ear,Nose and Throat Chapter Ⅴ  Dermatological and Other DiseasesIndex




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  •   书的内容应该没问题,但纸张的质量确实有些差!偏黄,偏旧!难道是出版商想借此体现中医的悠久历史。。。。。。?

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