
出版时间:2007-6  出版社:中国电力  作者:全国高考英语听力命题研究组  页数:148  


近几年高考对英语听力的要求越来越高,这就意味着高三学生必须在有限的时间内,以最有效的方式掌握听能训练技巧和听力测试应试技巧。为帮助广大考生熟练掌握听能训练技巧和应试技巧,我们认真分析了近十年来高考英语听力测试题的特点和听力测试的新趋向,根据《全日制高级中学英语教学大纲(试验修订版)》和((2007年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试说明(文科)》编写了这本最新高考听力测试备考用书。本书具有如下特点:  ·  命题权威,针对性强。国内权威高考英语听力测试专家和著名高中特级教师,追踪历年高考听力动态,精准把握高考听力命题改革方向和测试思路,基于最新高考听力真题、题库以及国外最新听力素材精心编撰。  ·题材广泛,服务高考。听力试题设计、题目编排、难易梯度完全符合高考测试要求。  ·录音精良,场景逼真。全书由全国高考英语听力主播根据高考考试说明的要求录制而成,外籍专家全程把关。  ·全真模拟,注重实战。本书适合高考前模拟训练、系统训练和强化训练。    全书共分两部分:第一部分从高考英语听力试题分析和应试技巧两个方面分别介绍了高考听力的基本特点、基本要求和题型特征与解题技巧;第二部分是三十二套高考听力实战训练题,具有较高的信度和效度,实属高三学生和教师难得的听能培养和训练用书。




  听下面一段对话,回答第15和第16两个小题。现在,你有10秒钟的时间阅读这两个小题。(Text 9)  M:It’S Alice birthday tomorriw.  W:Are you sure?I think it should be the day after tomorrow.  M:Well,letme see.Oh,it’SAprilthetenthtoday.I’m sorry.You’reright.Itistheday aftertomo~ow.Shallwe buy her a present?  W:Yes.of course.Shall we give her some flowers?  M:Flowers are lovely.But I think it’S better to buy her a nice box of chocolates.  W:Alice doesn’t like sweet things.Didn’t you know that?  M:You’re right.ErI know.We Call give her a record.She loves music.  W:That’S a good idea.Let’S go tO the music shop and choose one for her.  听下面一段对话,回答第17至第20四个小题。现在,你有20秒钟的时间阅读这四个小题。(Text 10)  M:Hello.This is John Osborne.I aln currently unable to take your call.but if you leave your narne and phone number,I’11 get back tO you as soon as possible.  W:MrOsborne.this is Lydia.Sorry to call you.I know you’re on vacation today.As you know,1 won’t be able to come to work on Friday,SO Ijust Want to check our plans for tomo~ow.The most impo~ant thing is that MrsGreen has called a staffmeetingforFridaymorning.It starts early-she’Saskedfor everyonetobein the main conference room at eight O’clock.Also,one of our customers,Mr Aziz,called.Can you meet him for lunch tomo~ow?He suggested the Italian resmurant on the ground floor of our office building,at about twelve.Is that OK?He asked you to give him a call at 555-8756 to let him know.Another client called this morning——Mr Suzuki.He says he’d like toplay golfwith you on Saturday at three.Oh,and there’S another staff party tomorrow afternoon-for Mrs Benchley’S 50th birthday.That’S at five o’clock in the recreation area.And,finally,don’t forget you have a doctor’S appointment tomo~ow at eleven.Well,I think thatS a11 I11bebackhereintheofficeonMondaymorning.Seeyouthen.Hopeyou’re e~oyingyourdayoff.  第二节到此结束。


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