
出版时间:2008-1  出版社:中国电力  作者:柳宁  页数:95  


  《快捷英语·快捷英语周周练:阅读理解(高中2年级)(下)(附58元网络学习码)》在挑选素材和设置测试点的思路上坚持以新课标和新考纲为依据,注重语言运用能力和学习策略的巩固与拓展,辅以适量拔高训练,故可适用于人教版、外研版、北师大版、冀教版、湘教版以及牛津版等多版本初、高中教材。设计新颖,操作灵活:本套丛书内容按周次设计,既有利于教师课堂定时检测,又适合学生同步自测,操作灵活方便、节时高效。  同步性好,用性广:本套丛书以新课标及最 新考纲为依据编写,适用于各种版本教材。  选材新颖,题材丰富:所收短文选材真实,题材丰富,内容翔实,涵盖面广,符合学学生的兴趣爱好,融趣味性和知识性于一体。  难度适中,考点明确:全书试题难度循序渐进,包括当前中、高考的各种题型及创新型题型。


  According to research by Dr. John Blaine of the University of Southern California,relationships between people whose professions largely depend on their appearances, suchas models or actors, tend to end much faster than those between lawyers, doctors or students.  Blaine said the beautiful felt different from childhood. They are treated as special,which may create both arrogance (傲慢) and insecurity. All too often, beauty can be used asan alternative to education. Often they are pushed out of their class or town, told to go offand make their fortune in Hollywood or London and, when the majority fail, they have fewtalents (才能) to make a living.  Blaine added that beautiful people score poorly on the “big five” —— the key factorsAmerican experts consider when helping distressed couples. These are neuroticism (神经过敏),including anger and anxiety; extroversion (性格外向); openness to new experiences;agreeableness; and conscientiousness, or sticking by agreements they have made. Attractivepeople often see no reason to try to change until their looks start to fade.  Krista Sutherland, of the University of California Los Angeles, said partnerships thatappeared to be perfect from the outside, such as the former “dream teams” of NicoleKidman and Tom Cruise or Hugh Grant and Elizabeth Hurley, where backgrounds andaspirations (抱负) are often shared, did not necessarily lead to happiness.


  《快捷英语·快捷英语周周练:阅读理解(高中2年级)(下)》是海滨教师进修学校领衔,海滨十余所名校名师编写。  名师主笔,专家审稿:本套丛书由海滨教师进修学校教研员领衔,海滨十余所名校名师联合编写,由中外教育专家审定把关。



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