
出版时间:2008-5  出版社:中国电力出版社  作者:中华人民共和国国家经济贸易委员会 编  页数:94  字数:81000  


《碾压式土石坝施工规范(英文版)》为碾压式土石坝施工规范( DL/T5129-2001)的英文版。本标准给出了碾压式土石坝的技术要求和安全监测、质量控制等内容。本标准适用于1、2、3级碾压式土石坝的施工,4、5级土石坝应参照知执行。


Foreword 1 Scope  2  Normative References  3  General  4  Survey  5  Diversion and Flood Control  5.1 General    5.2  Diversion during construction    5.3  Interception    5.4  Flood control  6  Treatment of Dam Foundation and Abutment Slopes  7  Re-inspection and Usage Plan of Dam Material     7.1  Re-inspection    7.2  usage Plan  8  Construction Test and Dam Material Processing     8.1  Construction test     8.2  Dam material Processing   9  Exploitation and Transportation of Dam Material    9.1  Exportation    9.2  Transportation  10  Filling    10.1  General    10.2  Filling    10.3  Construction During rainy season    10.4  Filling at negative temperature    10.5  Construction of impervious body with non-soil material  11  Treatment of Jointing portion  12  Filter,Drainge and Revetment    12.1  Filter     12.2  Drainage    12.3  Revetment  13  Safety Monitoring  14  Construction Quality Control    14.1  General    14.2  Quality control of dam foundation treatment    14.3  Quality control of borrow area    14.4  Quality control of dam filling    14.5  Quality control of revetment and drainage filter   Appendix A  (Normative Appendix)Processing and Treatment of Dam Material   Appendix B  (Normative Appendix)Compaction Test  Appendix C  (Normative Appendix)Quality Control Management of Compaction  Appendix D  (Normative Appendix)Definition of Expression



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