
出版时间:1999-5  出版社:中国水利水电出版社  作者:帕特丽夏·阿克特  页数:310  


本书是由美国著名专家编写的一本中级英语阅读培训教材,旨在传授独立阅读技巧和词汇学习方法。    全书有5个有趣的主题,共25篇课文。渐进地增加阅读长度和复杂性,向读者展示了一个经过仔细筛选的词汇系统。通过大量的练习,读者可增强阅读理解能力,扩大词汇量,掌握推理、寻读、归纳、解释句子的能力,更有效地使用动词短语、复合词、连词和代词等。每一章结尾的指导性写作练习,可迅速提高写作能力。    本书适合大中专院校师生、自学考试族和有一定基础的英语学习者(词汇量约3000)。


致教师Unit 1  Explorers  探险者 1.Burke and Wills—Across Australia(伯克和威尔斯——穿越澳大利亚) 2.Alexandra David-Neel—A French Woman in Tibet(亚历山德拉·戴维尼——一个法国女人在西藏) 3.Vitus Bering--Across Siberia to North America(维图斯·白令——从西伯科亚至北美) 4.Robert Scott—A Race to the South Pole(罗伯特·斯科特——一场到在南极的竞赛) 5.Mary Kingsley—Victorian Explorer(玛丽·金斯利——维多利亚时代的探险者)Unit 2 World Issues世界问题 1.WorldPopulationGrowth(世界人口的增长) 2.Changes in the Family(家庭的变化) 3.Women andChange(妇女和变化) 4.Rain Forests(雨林) 5.The Garbage Project(垃圾工程)Unit 3 A Mishmash(A Hodgepodge)  大杂烩 1.The Roadrunner(走鹃,一种产与墨西哥及美国南部的杜鹃) 2.Afraidto Fly(害怕飞行) 3.What Is Jazz?(什么是爵士乐) 4.Skyscrapers(摩天大楼) 5.Left.Handedness(左撇子)Unit 4 Science科学 1.Biospheres in Space(宇宙中的大气层) 2.Earthquakes(地震) 3.Snow and Hail(雪和冰雹) 4.Photovokaic Cell--Energy Source ofthe Future(光生伏打电池——未来的能量来源) 5.Biological Clocks(生物钟)Unit 5 Medicine and Health医学和健康 1.Headaches(头痛) 2.Sleep and Dreams(睡眠和做梦) 3.Health Care and Epidemics(健康保养与流行病) 4.CPR(心肺的苏醒) 5.Cholesterol and Disease(胆固醇和心脏病)练习参考答案


  Context Clues  Circle the letter of the best meaning of the bold word.  1. France, England, the United States, Japan, south Africa, and Australia are  examples of countries in the two temperate zones.  a. the hot, humid tropics  b. near the North or South Pole  c. between the tropics and the Arctic or Antarctic Circle  2. At dawn the sky begins to get light and the sun appears.  a. sunrise  b. sunset  c. a storm with thunder and lightning  3. Millions of monarch butterflies migrate every fall from North America to  southern Mexico and Central America. In the spring, they return north.  a. travel a long distance because of the season  b. travel a long distance to lay eggs  c. return to their home  4. Every night Mohammed sets his alarm clock. In the morning, it wakes him up.  a. a clock that makes a noise at a certain hour  b. a clock that tells the day, month, and year  c. a clock that is in the bedroom  5. The private school organized several events for Parents Day. There were races for the small children, a soccer game, a musical program, a picnic, and meetings with the teachers.  a. any kind of game or sport  b. anything that happens  c. programs for children


  国外语言大师的任务引导式教程  最实用的词汇特训书  分解式阅读特训基地  本书特色:  由美国著名专家编写一介绍科学的阅读和单词学习方法。  全英文浸泡式学习一每篇阅读材料都重点学习8个新单词,阅读材料的后面附有袖珍词典、单词英文释义和例旬。  构词法的学习一读者不仅能学习新单词,还能触类旁通识别或猜觎9相关词汇。  海量的课后练习、单元检测及配套答案,读者可随时检验学习效果。  适用对象:  大中专院校师生  自学考试族  有一定基础的英语学习者



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