
出版时间:2002-6  出版社:中国水利水电出版社  作者:冯世梅  页数:282  字数:271000  




IntroductionPreface1 English lexicology  1.1 Introduction  1.2 The relation of lexicology to other branches of linguistics  1.3 Two approaches to the study of English lexicology  1.4 Aims and significance of the course of English lexicology  1.5 Questions and tasks2 The development of the English vocabulary  2.1 English today  2.2 The Indo-European language family  2.3 Native words and borrowed words  2.4 English people and English vocabulary  2.5 The divisions of the history of the English language   2.6 The perfection of the English language   2.7 Questions and tasks3 Word  3.1 Introduction  3.2 Sound and meaning  3.3 Sound and form  3.4 Lexemes,words and vocabulary  3.5 Classification of words   3.6 Word structure  3.7 Questions and tasks4 Word-formation Ⅰ 4.1 Introduction  4.2 Affixaton  4.3 Conversion  4.4 Compounding  4.5 Questions and tasks 5 Word-formation Ⅱ  5.1 Blending  5.2 Clipping  5.3 Acronymy  5.4 Back-formation  5.5 Analogy  5.6 Word-formation by onomatopoeia  5.7 Words from proper names  5.8 Questions and tasks 6 Word meaning and motivation  6.1 Some general remarks on semantics and meaning  6.2 Relationship between meaning and the object  6.3 Meaning and motivation  6.4 Main types of word meaning  6.5 Questions and tasks 7 Eense relationsⅠ 8 Eense relationsⅡ9 English vocabulary in motion10 English idioms11 Regional varieties of English vocabulary12 The mental lexicon13 Vocabulary in use14 Vocabulary as data for learning15 Teaching VocabularyGlossaryReferences



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