
出版时间:2008-7  出版社:中国水利水电出版社  作者:王月,Rebecca Mcandrew  页数:218  


  本书分为就业高招、行业话题、职场管理、礼仪规范、商务杂谈、进修学习六个部分,共60个话题场景,内容涵盖了白领商务活动的方方面面,能够帮助白领解决日常商务活动中沟通的障碍、提高口语表达能力。  本书适合于希望提高英语水平的白领英语爱好者。


第一篇 就业高招1. 如何写简历?2. 面试3. 新工作4. 第一天上班5. 描述工作职责6. 商业信函7. 商务合同8. 电子邮件9. 如何与老板相处10. 与同事聊天11. 人际关系——老板和员工关系12. 兼职工作13. 永无出头之日的工作14. 如何拒绝老板或同事给你的额外工作15. 如何开你自己的公司第二篇 行业话题16. 一位优秀的销售人员17. 数码产品18. 手机服务19. 博客与RSS广告20. 专利第三篇 职场管理21. 商务短会22. 公司管理23. 反对24. 讨论25. 财政状况26. 未来职业规划27. 领导才能28. 简报29. 谈判30. 销售——如何让我们在竞争激烈的市场中保持领先地位31. 名片32. 项目的意见或建议33. 会议34. 客户关系35. 销售第四篇 礼仪规范36. 着装规范37. 畅谈健康饮食38. 如何有效地使用电话39. 商务午餐40. 商务会议礼仪41. 办公室礼仪42. 如何礼貌而职业地与别人打交道43. 地理位置表达法第五篇 商务杂谈44. 商务旅行45. 商务签证46. 跨文化交流47. 文化冲击48. 投资49. 要求加薪50. 公司闲话51. 新产品发布52. 劳资关系53. 贸易54. 发薪日55. 如何询问产品信息和价格第六篇 进修学习56. 在国外工作57. 继续教育58. 职员培训59. 研讨会60. 海外培训


  C:Hey dad.can I ask you for some advice?  B:Sure.what Can I help you with?  C:Well,you know I’m starting my real job next week,right?I just went in to finish the registration process with them and had several meetings with my new boss.I’m a little worried I might not get along with him.  B:Ahh,the employee—boss relationship,that’S always a tough one.What is he like?  C:HeS not very friendly and seems like heS going to be really difficult.Im afraid Im not going to like him.  B:Well.dont let your personal feelings get in the way of your relationship with him. You need to stay professional and ensure that you get along at least on a workrelated basis.  C:That might be hard to do.I just dont understand why people are so unfriendly.  B:Well.the first thing you Can do is to try to understand where heS coming from. Try to understand his manner of working and then adjust accordingly.  C:What do you mean?  B:For starters.you could find out what aspects of work he is particular about and then 时to pay particular attention to those.If you take advantage of the situation,you Can learn a lot from your boss and gain from his experience.This could help you immensely in the future.  C:What if he doesnt like anything I do?



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