
出版时间:2009-10  出版社:水利水电出版社  作者:孙建忠,白凤仙 主编  页数:263  




本书是普通高等教育“十一五”田家级规划教材。    本书第一版于2004年出版,第二版在延续第一版编写风格的基础上,为更好地适应教学改革需求,考虑电子商务技术的发展,根据广大读者使用的反馈和作者多年讲授该课程的教学经验,在保持第一版教材编写风格的基础上,对各章节的内容、结构等进行了修订、调整、完善和补充。全书共14章,主要内容包括:电子商务的基本概念、电子商务的技术基础、电子商务模式、B28电子商务、电子支付系统、电子商务安全、电子商务定价、网络营销、电子商务法律问题、电子物流、建设成功的网上企业、建立电子商务应用以及案例分析等。本书内容覆盖了当今电子商务技术的各个方面,并力求体现电子商务的最新发展。    本书所有内容均取材于最近几年国外出版的原版教材和互联网,内容新颖,系统性强。每一章都围绕一个主题,配有学习指导、详细注释和参考译文以及精心安排的练习,可以使学生很快掌握课文要点。每章还介绍一个专业英语学习专题,帮助读者掌握专业英语的阅读、翻译和写作技巧。    本书既可作为高等院校电子商务及相关专业电子商务专业英语教材,也可用作管理与技术人员了解并学习电子商务知识的参考书。


序第二版前言第一版前言Chapter 1 Introduction to E-Commeme  学习指导  1.1  Introduction  1.2 Electronic Commerce:The Second Wave  1.3 Business Models,Revenue Models and Business Processes  1.4 Economic Forces and Electronic Commerce  1.5 Identifying Electronic Commerce Opportunities  1.6 International Nature of Electronic Commerce  Reading Material——Benefits of EC  科技英语的特点  ExercisesChapter 2 The Internet and World Wide Web:E.Commeme Infrastructure-  学习指导  2.1 The Internet:Technology Background  2.2 The Intemet Today  2.3 Internet Il:The Future Infrastructure  2.4 The Wodd Wide Web  Reading Material——The Intemet and The  Web:Features  英语专业词汇的构成  ExercisesChapter 3 E.Business Models  学习指导  3.1 Introduction  3.2 Storefront Model  3.3 Auction Model  3.4 Portal Model  3.5 Dynamic Pricing Models  3.6 82B Exchange  3.7 82B Service Providers  3.8 0nline Trading and Lending Models  3.9 Getting a Loan Online  3.10 Recruiting on the W曲  3.11 Online News Services  3.12 0nline Travel Services  3.13  0nline Entertainment  3.14 0nline Automotive Sites  3.15 Energy Online  3.16 Selling Brainpower  3.17 0nline Art Dealers  3.18 E-Learnin9  3.19 Click.and—Mortar Businesses  数学公式的读法(Pronunciation ofmathematical expressions)  ExercisesChapter 4 Business-to-Business ElectronicCommerce  学习指导  4.1  Introduction  4.2  Cost Efficiencies from Automation of Transactions  4.3 Economic Efficiency Gains from Intermediation in B2B E—Commerce  4.4 Market Structure and Ownership of B2B Intermediaries  4.5 Effects of E—commerce on the Organization ofFirms  4.6 Conclusion  ……Chapter 5 Electronic Payment SystemsChapter 6 E-Commerce SecurityChapter 7 PricingChapter 8 Intemet MarkefingChapter 9 Legal lssues of E-CommerceChapter 10 E-LogisticsChapter 11 Introduction to M-Business ApplicationsChapter 12 Launching a Successful Online Business and EC ProjectsChapter 13 Building E-Commerce Applications and InfrastructureChapter 14 Case Study of E-Commerce参考文献及网站


In the period from 2000 to 2003, many industry observers were writing obituaries for electronic commerce. Just as the unreasonable expectations for immediate success fueled the high expectations during the boom years, overly gloomy news reports colored perceptions during this time. Beginning in 2003, with the general economy still in the doldrums, electronic commerce began to show signs of new life. Companies that had survived the downturn were not only seeing growth in sales again, but many of them were showing profits. Although the rapid expansion and high levels of investment of the boom years are not likely to be repeated, the second wave of electronic commerce is well under way. This section defines electronic commerce and describes how it is growing once again in its second wave.1.2.1  Electronic Commerce and Electronic BusinessTo many people, the term "electronic commerce" means shopping on the part of the Internet called the World Wide Web (the Web). However, electronic commerce (or e-commerce) also includes many other activities, such as businesses trading with other businesses and internal processes that companies use to support their buying, selling, hiring, planning, and other activities. Some people use the term electronic business (or e-business) when they are talking about electronic commerce in this broader sense. For example, IBM defines electronic business as "the transformation of key business processes through the use of Internet technologies". Most people use the terms "electronic commerce" and "electronic business" interchangeably. In this book, the term electronic commerce (or e-commerce) is used in its broadest sense and includes all business activities that use Internet technologies. Internet technologies include the Internet, the World Wide Web, and other technologies such as wireless transmissions on mobile telephones or personal digital assistants (PDAs). Companies that operate only online are often called dot-com or pure dot-com businesses to distinguish them from companies that operate in physical locations (solely or together with online operations).1.2.2 Categories of Electronic CommerceSome people find it useful to categorize electronic commerce by the types of entities participating in the transactions or business processes. The five general electronic commerce categories are business-to-consumer, bnsiness-to-business,  business  processes, consumer-to-consumer,  and business-to-government. The three categories that are most commonly used are:Consumer shopping on the Web, often called business-to-consumer (or B2C).Transactions conducted between businesses on the Web, often called business-to-business (or B2B).Transactions and business processes in which companies, governments, and other organizations use Internet technologies to support selling and purchasing activities.





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