
出版时间:1970-1  出版社:五洲传播  作者:荆孝敏  页数:200  


中国的发展令世界瞩目,中国的进步使人类历史发生改变。了解中国,认识中国,正在成为更多人的愿望。 本书为“图说中国2007”的英文版。本书以一目了然的图表及富于表现力的视觉语言,对大量的统计数据进行全新的诠释与展现,使读者免去阅长文之疲累、看数字之单调,在轻松的“读图”中,从多个角度和层面了解中国成长的历程,认识中国的基本国情,感受中国的发展变化。


STRUCTURE OF THE STATE  The National Flag of the People's Republic of China  The National Emblem of the People's Republic of China  National Anthem of the People's Republic of China  Beijing, Capital of the People's Republic of China  Organizational Structure of the National Congress of CPC  Organizational Structure of the NPC  Organizational Structure of the State Council  Chairman of the NPC Standina Committee  CPPCC National Committee and Leaders  Proportion of Deputies to the 10th NPC  Composition of the 10th CPPCC  Laws Adopted by the 10th NPC and Its Standing Committee  Motions Received and Handled by the CPPCC  Basic Situation of the Eight Democratic Parties  Map of Administrative Divisions in ChinaGEOGRAPHY  China's Geographic Location in the World  Size Comparison Between China and Other Countries and Regions  Map of the People's Republic of China  Map of China's Geography  Sketch Map of China In Terms of Land Types  Sketch Map of China In Terms of Temperature Zones  Sketch Map of Major Mountains in China  Average Temperature in January and July  Sketch Map of Annual Precipitation in ChinaNATURAL RESOUTCES  Map of Major River Systems in China  Sketch Map of Water Resources in China  Sketch Map of Forest Resources in China  Change in China's Cultivated Lands  Forest Area  Sketch Map of Oil Resources and Oilfields in China  Sketch Map of Coal Mines in China  Basic Reserves of Some Mineral Ores  Marine Economic Sector Maintains Healthy Growth  Area of Wetlands Ranks First in Asia  Land Use in 2006HISTORY AND CULTURE  A Brief Chinese Chronology  Ancient Chinese Coins  Sketch Map on Silk RoadECONOMIC CONSTRUCTIONSOCILA DEVEL OPMENTSCIENCE AND EDUCATIONTRAFFIC TRANSPORTATIONENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONLIVELIHOODTOURISMNATIONAL DEFENSECHINA AND THE WORLD


版权页:   插图:    China is rich in land resources,with varieties of land formation in use.They include 951,000 square km of cultivated fields,or 10 percent of the totalland area,distributed mainly in northeast and north China,the middle andlower reaches of the Yangtze River,Sichuan Basin,and Pearl River Delta.These plains are known for their well-developed agriculture,and abound inwheat,maize,rice and various kinds of economic crops. China's grasslands cover an area of 4 million square km,or 41.6 percentof the total national land area.The bulk are found on the Inner Mongolia Plateau,Loess Plateau,areas south and north of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang,and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. China is one of the few countries in the world rich in mineral ore re-sources in wide variety. China is rich in animal and plant resources.There are 32,800 species ofhigher plants and 104,000 species of animals in the country.Many are rarespecies,including pandas,golden monkeys,Chinese alligators,metasequoiaand dove trees,which are often called "living fossils".A number of naturereserves have been set up for their protection.





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用户评论 (总计1条)


  •   有点“上当受骗”的感觉,全都是一些中国各方面的数据统计和公布以及图表,字都没有几个。现在,拿着这本书不知道如何处理,感觉适合做统计学的人使用,这个价格贵的原因估计是因为上面的统计数据应该是官方公布的数据,而且主要是给国外读者看的,所以105元的价格实在不值啊。现在的用途只能看看是否可以扫描了然后作为口语素材使用,否则有点浪费了。

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