
出版时间:2007-11  出版社:五洲传播  作者:张志明  页数:123  字数:50000  




Foreword1 China's Revolution and Political Democracy  From Democratic Believers to Marxists  The CPC Had to Take a New Road  Achievements in Political Democracy during the Revolutionary Period2 Entering the Era of People's Derr ocracy Failure of One-party Dictatorship and the Victory of New Democracy New Political Consultative Conference and the Foundation of People's Democratic System The Principle of People's Democracy in the Constitution3 People's Democracy: Frustrated Attempts and Hopes People's Democracy and Contradictions among the People Retrospect on Erroneous "Big Democracy" The Inner-party Democracy Led to the Reform and Opening-up4 The New Driving Force and Direction for the People's Democracy The Progress of Democracy and the Rule of Law Advanced by the Reform Interaction between Market Economy and People's Democracy Governing by Law Guarantees People's Democracy The Three Representatives and Political Democracy The Scientific Development Concept and the Orientation of the People's Democracy5 The Development of Political Democracy People's Democratic System Continuously Improved  The Political Party System with Chinese Characteristics  The System of Ethnic Regional Autonomy Grassroots Democracy  Building of Grassroots Political Democracy in Rural Areas  Building of Political Democracy in Urban Communities  Building of the System of Conference of Workers and Staff New Chapter in China's Human Rights Development  The People s Rights to Subsistence and Development Are Guaranteed  Citizens Civil and Political Rights Are Guaranteed  People s Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Are Guaranteed  The Legitimate Rights and Interests of the Special and the Underprivileged Groups of People   Are Guaranteed Democratic Rule: Fundamental Belief of the CPC  Reforming and Improving the Leadership System and Working Mechanism  Developing Inner-Party Democracy  Expanding Democracy in Cadre and Personnel Work  Tightening Restraints and Supervision over the Use of Power Building a Democratic Government of the People  Promoting Administration in Accordance with the Law  Accelerating the Transformation of Government Functions  Making Decisions in a Scientific and Democratic Way New Development of Judicial DemocracyConcluding Words



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