
出版时间:2012-4  出版社:五洲传播出版社  作者:李莎  页数:190  


  This work aims at introducing the situation of Chinese education to readers. The information comes from three major sources: the media; the individuals or communities that I have visited and interviewed; and my own views and experience.


  李莎·卡尔社齐(Lisa Carducci)生于加拿大,曾获语言学硕士学位,后在蒙特利尔大学完成博士学位学习。先后在加拿大和中国任教,并在中央电视台海外栏目工作六年。现为《北京周报》社法文专家。  作为作家,李莎·卡尔杜齐以四种语言出版过三十多部小说,并撰写过两千多篇各种内容的文章,在多个国家发表。  2001年,李莎·卡尔社刘荣获中华人民共和国友谊勋章。


ForewordChapter 1 The teaching systemWhat does "study" mean?Quality education- The teachers' quality- The over-restrictive programs- The substitute teachers- The hukou- The competitionStress and pressure- The homework- The parents- The diplomaAn exam-oriented system- HistoryChapter 2 From knowledge to methodologyLove performs miraclesActive teaching / creative learningTo play: a child's right- Obesity and physical educationChapter 3 Rampant cheating and a solutionThe cheating problem- Cheating techniques and devices- Copyrights- Fake documents: receipts and diplomas- Ghostwriting- PlagiarismCreativity as a solution- No creativity without interestChapter 4 Foreign languages, foreign studiesLearning English- The situation- Special methods- Traps aheadStudying abroad- Dangers and disadvantages- Individual consequences- National consequences



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