
出版时间:2009-6  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:科比利兹  




Chapter Ⅰ p-adic numbers 1. Basic concepts 2. Metrics on the rational numbers  Exercises 3. Review of building up the complex numbers 4. The field of p-adic numbers 5. Arithmetic in Qp  ExercisesChapter Ⅱ p-adic interpolation of the Riemann zeta-function 1. A formula for .(2k) 2. p-adic interpolation of the functionf(s) = as  Exercises 3. p-adic distributions  Exercises 4. Bernoulli distributions 5. Measures and integration  Exercises 6. The p-adic -function as a Mellin-Mazur transform 7. A brief survey (no proofs)   ExercisesChapter Ⅲ Building up Ω 1. Finite fields   Exercises 2. Extension of norms   Exercises 3. The algebraic closure of Qp 4. Ω  ExercisesChapter Ⅳ p-adic power series 1. Elementary functions  Exercises 2. The logarithm, gamma and Artin-Hasse exponential functions  Exercises 3. Newton polygons for polynomials 4. Newton polygons for power series  ExercisesChapter Ⅴ Rationality of the zeta-function of a set of equations over a finite field 1. Hypersurfaces and their zeta-functions  Exercises 2. Characters and their lifting 3. A linear map on the vector space of power series 4. p-adic analytic expression for the zeta-function  Exercises 5. The end of the proofBibliographyAnswers and Hints for the ExercisesIndex




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