
出版时间:2011-1  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:狄拉克  页数:69  


  This book is built up from a course of lectures given at the Physics Depart-ment of Florida State University and has the aim of presenting the indis-pensible material in a direct and concise form. It does not require previous knowledge beyond the basic ideas of special relativity and the handling of differentiations of field functions. It will enable the student to pass through the main obstacles of understanding general relativity with the minimum expenditure of time and trouble and to become qualified to continue more deeply into any specialized aspects of the subject that interest him.




1. special relativity, 2. oblique axes, 3. curvilinear coordinates, 4. nontensors, 5. curved space, 6. parallel displacement, 7. christoffel symbols, 8. geodesics, 9. the stationary property of geodesics, 10. covariant differentiation, 11. the curvature tensor, 12. the condition for flat space, 13. the bianci relations, 14. the ricci tensor, 15. einstein's law of gravitation, 16. the newtonian approximation, 17. the gravitational red shift, 18. the schwarzchild solution, 19. black holes, 22. harmonic coordinates, 23. the electromagnetic field, 24. modification of the einstein equations by the presence of matter, 25. the material energy tensor, 26. the gravitational action principle, 27. the action for a continuous distribution of matter, 28. the action for the electromagnetic field, 29. the action for charged matter, 30. the comprehensive action principle, 31. the pseudo-energy tensor of the gravitational field, 32. explicit expression for the pseudo-tensor, 33. gravitational waves, 34. the polarization of gravitational waves, 35. the cosmological term, index,


版权页:插图:The conditions (a) and (b), which are needed for conservation of totalenergy and momentum, do not often apply in practical cases. They wouldapply if space were static outside a definite tubular region in four dimensions.This could be so if we had some masses which start to move at a certaintime, so that the motion creates a disturbance which travels outward withthe velocity of light. For the usual planetary system the motion will havebeen going on since the infinite past and the conditions do not apply. Aspecial treatment is needed to discuss the energy of the gravitational waves,and this will be given in Section 33.






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  •   纯英文版(除了封面的“广义相对论”)。做个收藏。
  •   学过一点狭义相对论,想看看广义的
  •   确实是很薄的一本书,但是内容绝对丰富,对于专业人士和物理爱好者,这本书值得一看的。
  •   很不错的书 比较有帮助,还会再买
  •   狄拉克的量子力学原理写得不错,狄拉克用仅仅几页就把广相写完是令人称道的
  •   书虽薄,却不可多得,大师手笔,经典!
  •   这本书真的很薄。
  •   一本很好的书,英文版的,第一次看有点费劲!
  •   书还是很不错的,大师写的就是不一样
  •   你看Diac的书,每一步都感觉是那么自然,但是让你想你却想不到
  •   比较薄的一本书,狄拉克从不多说一句废话
  •   此书只将最核心的东西,所以比较薄,看起来需要其他书作参考
  •   虽然是影印版的,纸张质量稍差一点,但是内容还是挺完整的,正是我想要的书~
  •   狄拉克的名著啊,许多个专题,言简意赅。大师!
  •   Dirac的书,可以摆起来膜拜一下
  •   小开本,科普书,但是很全,爱因斯坦著
  •   英语版不知怎样。
  •   打折买的,质量很好,很赞~
  •   大体看了一下不错,有时间仔细看看。
  •   应该不错,没看懂
  •   名家的作品自然不用多说,但是印刷就凑合了
  •   印刷不好 ,有些地方不清晰
  •   感觉还不错,以后还会关注他的书
  •   书比较薄,,印刷一般,,,
  •   几乎没有意义
  •   印刷质量也太差了吧
  •   啥都有,啥都没有,适合需要一点广义相对论知识,但是有不细学的人
  •   很薄,可是本来就是这么简单的说法。
  •   dilac大神的书本咂不敢评论...............................
  •   字迹很清晰,纸张好。
  •   经典的书籍,字很大,如果是中英对照就好了
  •   经典到让你难以言表,大师之作。简洁而严谨。
  •   Dirac的广义相对论简洁明了
  •   喜欢这本书,内容简介,直入主题
  •   狄拉克写的书就是不一样啊,非常喜欢。
  •   不愧是大师写的教材,简洁精练。
  •   世纪图书引进外文书籍本来是件好事,但这么薄(成本不到一元吧),字体还这么不清晰,建议一折出售!(DIRAC以数学见长,写得很简练,需要有一定的基础,初学建议搭配“广义相对论基础教程(第2版)(影印版) 舒茨”,讲的明晰些。)
  •   太难了,看不懂,慢慢学习
  •   影印版的书,印刷比较粗糙,价格摆在那,算过得去。这本书是经典之作,但不是很详细,读通的话要求很好数理基础。

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