
出版时间:2012-8  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:曹素贞 编  页数:201  字数:337000  


A,Text B和Medical Vocabulary Workshop三部分。Text
A以医学学术文献(EAP)为主,文章全部摘自医学类经典教材或权威杂志、网站,如}tarrison内科学,New England
J0urnal of Medicine,the Lancet等,覆盖了医科目前最有代表性的各分支研究。Text


Unit 1 Medical Professionalism
Text A Hippocratic Oath, The Medical Ideal
Text B Informed Coent
Medical Vocabulary Workshop Diseases and Disorde
Unit 2 Medical ]Education
Text A American Medical Education
Text B History and Physical
Medical Vocabulary Workshop Systems and Orga
Unit 3 Basic Medicine
Text A Pain,Modulation and Management
Text B Medical Notes for Admission
Medical Vocabulary Workshop Major Orga
Unit 4 Clinical Medicine
Text A Outpatient Management of Severe COPD
Text B Medical Notes for Discharge
Medical Vocabulary Workshop Itruments and Processes
Unit 5 Clinical Surgery
Text A Robotic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass for Morbid Obesity.
Text B Operative Report
Medical Vocabulary Workshop Surgical Operatio
Unit 6 Environmental Medicine
Text A Gender, Climate Change and Health
Text B SOAP Progress Report
Medical Vocabulary Workshop Chemical Elements
Unit 7 Social Medicine
Text A What is Social Medicine?
Text B Referral and Coultation
Medical Vocabulary Workshop Shapes and Forms
Unit 8 Disaster Medicine.,..,
Text A Short-term and Medium-term Health Effects of 9/11
Text B Drug Description and Itruction
Medical Vocabulary Workshop Drugs
Unit 9 Evidence,based Medicine
Text A Evidence-based Medicine or Marketing-based Medicine?
Text B The Cochrane Abstract And Summary
Medical Vocabulary Workshop Numbe
Unit 10 Preventive Medicine
Text A Preventive Dental Care and Coueling for Infants and Young
Text B Grant Proposal Request
Medical Vocabulary Workshop Colou
Unit 11 Nuing
Text A A Case Study of Peon-Centred Care Development
Text B Itruction for Autho
Medical Vocabulary Workshop Directio and Positio
Unit 12 Medical Ethics
Text A Withholding Information from Patients When Less Is More
Text B Conference Announcement
Medical Vocabulary Workshop Plurals
Appendix I Supplementary Samples in Clinical Documents
Sample I) Informed Coent and Refusal for Blood Trafusion
Sample II) Admission Note for COPD
Appendix II Abbreviatio Commonly Used in Medical Record
Appendix III Keys to Exercises
Appendix IV Glossary


  Text A  Hippocratic Oath,The Medical Ideal  Perhaps the most enduring-certainly the most quoted-tradition in the history of medicine is the Hippocratic Oath.Named after the famous Greek physician Hippocrates',this oath was written as a guideline for the medical ethics of doctors.Although the exact words have changed over time,the general content is the same-an oath to respect those who have imparted their knowledge upon the science of medicine and respect to the patients as well as the promise to treat them to the best of the physicians' ability.  Who Was Hippocrates, and Did He Write the Oath?  For a man considered by many to be the“Father of Medicine”,little is known about Hippocrates of Cos.He lived circa 460-380 BC,and was the contemporary of-Socrates as well as a practicing physician.He was certainly held to be the most famous physician and teacher of medicine in his time.Over 60 treatises of medicine,called the Hippocratic Corpus,have been attributed to him;however,these treatises had conflicting contents and were written sometime between 510 and 300 BC,and therefore could not all have been written by him.  The Oath was named after Hippocrates, certainly,although its penmanship is still in question.According to authorities in medical history,the contents of the oath suggest that it was penned during the 4th Century BC,which makes it possible that Hippocrates had himself written it.Anyway,regardless of whether or not Hippocrates himself had written the Hippocratic Oath,the contents of the oath reflect his views on medical ethies.  From Medical Ideal to Standard Ethics Guidelines  The Hippocratic Oath was not very well received when it was first penned,being a representation of only a minor segment of Greek opinion at the time.However,by the end of ancient times,physicians began conforming to the conditions of the oath.It is possbl that when scientific medicine suffered a gross decline after the fall of the Roman Empire,this oath, along with the dictates of Hippocratic medicine,was all but forgotten in the West.It was through the perseverance of the spirit of inquiry in the East that the tenets of Hippocratic medicine-and the Hippocratic Oath-survived this period of deterioration, notably through the writings of Arabian authorities in medicine.The knowledge of Greek medicine was later revived in the Christian West through the Latin translations of both these Arabic works and the original Greek texts.  By the late 17th Century,standards of professional behavior had been set in the Western World.The first code of medical ethics to be adopted by a professional organization was written by English physician Thomas Percival (1740-1804) in 1794,which was adapted and adopted by the American Medical Association (AMA) in 1846. This code of ethics, which provided a gold standard for professional physicians,dictated the moral authority and independence of physicians in service to others and their responsibility towards the sick,as well as the physician's individual honour.  The seeds had been sown by Hippocrates-or one of his ghost writers.  ……



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  •   曹素贞主编的《医学英语文献阅读(2)》共12单元,每个单元包括TextA,Text B和Medical Vocabulary Workshop三部分。TextA以医学学术文献(EAP)为主,文章全部摘自医学类经典教材或权威杂志、网站,如}tarrison内科学,New EnglandJ0urnal of Medicine,the Lancet等,覆盖了医科目前最有代表性的各分支研究。TextB以医学职业/临床文献(EOP)为主,包括医疗实践中最常用的各类文书以及临床科研中最需要的标书申请和会议交流。MedicalVocabularyWorkshop则是针对广大医科师生在医学英语教学中的最大困难——医学专业词汇而编写,有目的地突出了其中构词的特点归类和发音以便于学习记忆。各单元的三部分后面都附有练习,包括阅读理解、讨论拓展、词汇运用、段落翻译等。为便于自学和查阅,精读的TextA课文都提供了详细的注释,书后附有词汇表、练习参考答案、以及其他补充拓展的辅助资料。泛读的TextB临床文书前也有简洁的语篇介绍和导读。本书适合于大学英语提高阶段的教学使用,可供医学专业高年级、七年制、八年制和硕士研究生等医科学生作为课程用书,也可供广大医学工作者在临床和教学中作为参考书使
  •   医学英语文献阅读(二)
  •   为了上课才买的,如果买了自己学习的话,这个不错,特别是争对医学生,里面有详细介绍怎么写病历,还有医学上的注意问题,医学方面的英语很专业
  •   很多的英语医学词汇 很有助于医学英语的学习 推荐
  •   一直在读这本书,里边的文章选的非常好,很多内容都适合医学生熟记的,单词学习及各种医学文章书写讲的比较好,模板也比较实用,但美中不足的是,要是每篇文章都有翻译,都有一些难句语法讲解就好了。不过文章还是比较好理解,能读懂,能自学!
  •   没想到文献阅读二比上学期上的一厚那么多= =
  •   研究生看文献入门啊
  •   我觉得书真的不错,就是看起来有些费劲,应该先学一下词汇,再来看。
  •   超喜欢这本书、、、
  •   内容比较难,如果是有声读物就好了。
  •   同事买了,说不错,买到手了,真的不错,内容很实用。123
  •   还没正式看,秒起来不错
  •   不错不错,他嫌弃评论太短
  •   很适合我用,希望对我的英语有提高
  •   加油,新版书纸质更高了,考研加油
  •   还行,就是一本关于医学的英语阅读资料。
  •   全英文版的,有解释与练习,感觉可以
  •   是正版的,全是考点,内容好,如果能在每章结束后加上一定的练习就更好了
  •   慢慢来,学习不是一朝一夕的事情
  •   教科书,木有心得,只有想死的感觉。
  •   还没细读 质量不错
  •   学校教科书 具体还没看
  •   翻了一下 质量还可以 内容也算是充实
  •   为什么少发一本练习册,..

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