
出版时间:2012-05-01  出版社:中国出版集团,现代教育出版社  作者:索南多杰 编  页数:310  


  Those of us who have worked on this project feel particularly honored because we are well aware that the age of folklore telling is vanishing and that the repositories of that age old knowledge-our Tibetan elders-are fast leaving us. We understand the reasons for the accelerating, seemingly unstoppable alterations to our traditional society that once placed elders firmly in the center of our world. The pre-electrified world was a time when children gathered expectantly around elders on a warm sleeping platform in the evening to listen to tales, and a time when villagers felt very close to each other, freely visiting each other's homes to exchange the latest news, tell, and listen to folklore.  This has all changed as it has in much of the world as modernity in the form of electricity, radios, television, DVD/ VCD players, mobile phones, and so on arrive sin once remote areas. This has now deprived our elders of an audience for their folklore and memories of monsters, witches, demons, demonesses, and amazing worlds colored by imaginative genius. When elders are not asked to tell folklore, they do not tell it, and when they do not tell, they tend to forget, and the next generation loses access to knowledge that was once central to life. Furthermore, the poetics of Tibetan oral literature and archaisms that characterize these traditions are rapidly moving out of the consciousness of young Tibetan people as they are replaced by the offerings of globalized media.




  两兄弟和狡猾的嫂子很久以前有两个兄弟,哥哥很富有,而弟弟却很贫穷。有一年春耕之时,弟弟因油菜种子不够,便去向哥哥借。可是哥嫂是个恶毒的女人,她把种子炒熟后给了弟弟一袋。弟弟回去之后便把种子撒播于田中,却只长出一根苗子。日子一天一天过去了,很奇怪的是这朵油菜花竟然越长越大,像一棵大树一样傲立在田间。弟弟高兴得天天去看它的长势。可是有一天那朵大的像树的油菜花被人偷走了,幸好小偷留下了一串脚印。弟弟便跟着小偷留下的脚印去寻找,这个脚印一直延伸到一个洞里,洞里有一座房子,门前有一条看门狗。那狗非常奇怪地问弟弟,你是怎么进来的?这不是你来的地方啊,我家主人是个女鬼。今晚你要想办法躲在这里,说着把弟弟藏在了房间的一个角落里。  没过多久女鬼回来了,她问:“今晚怎么这么奇怪啊,怎么有股人味,是不是有人来过?”那只看门狗说:“可能是我们的味吧,没有人来过这里。”女鬼又问“那是不是来过一个有脚面的?”看门狗回答说:“脚面你‘我都有啊,这里真的没有人来过。”说完女鬼也就不追究了。晚上睡觉时女鬼的孩子缠着让她讲故事。女鬼说:“晚上不宜讲故事,如果讲着故事睡着的话,小偷会进来的。”小鬼说:“那又怎么样?”女鬼说:“那样的话,我们仓库里的金质手推磨就会被人偷走,这个手推磨右转会出金粉,左转就会产出银粉。”说着说着女鬼母女俩便睡着了。藏在角落里的弟弟一听此事,很是兴奋。便乘机把库房的手推磨给偷走了。  从此弟弟就突然变得富裕了。哥哥非常困惑弟弟为什么一下子就变得那么富有了呢?就问其原因,弟弟是个老实人就把事情的来龙去脉一五一十地告知了哥哥。哥哥因为贪财就马上按着弟弟所说的路线来到了那个洞里面,悄悄地躲在了一个角落里。到了晚上女鬼母女俩回来后说:“今晚这里又有股人味儿,上次把我们家的手推磨给偷走了。今晚一定要把他找出来。”说着便把躲在角落里的哥哥给揪了出来。然后女鬼把哥哥的鼻孔打通后穿了一根铁丝,并打了九个结,赶出了洞外。哥哥回到家后整日痛苦难耐,生不如死。弟弟不忍心让哥哥受如此大的痛苦,为了救哥哥他又来到了女鬼家里。  ……



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