
出版时间:1970-1  出版社:中国石化出版社  作者:新概念英语学习中心 编  页数:260  






  Facing huge amount of homework, frequent exams and ambitious expectations of theirparents, Chinese primary and middle school students now grow up under heavy pressures. Thishas time and again triggered the nationwide discussion on whether or not we should reduce thestudents' study load.  Some people strongly advocate that we should reduce the students' study load. They holdthat, first, it deprives children of their free time and the golden, cheerful childhood which theydeserve. As a result, everyday they rush to school with heavier and heavier bags and returnhome with endless homework. Somethimes they even have to burn the mid-night oil. Moreover,all their weekends and vacations are occupied with make-up lessons. Second, heavy study loadhas seriously affected their physical and psychological health. To illustrate, more students areeither wearing glasses or suffering from nervous disorder. Occasionally it even can lead to theoccurrence of tragedies.  However, others hesitate about it and they prefer to stick to the old practice rather than toreduce students' study load. They believe that only hard work can earn a bright future forchildren. They also believe only those who study hard under much study load can get rewardedby finding an ideal job in the cut-throat competition. Besides, they think it's just a waste of timefor students to idle around. The fact that more children were drowned this summer might resultfrom the reduction of study load.  My suggestion is that we should moderately reduce students' study load. What is more, Asheavy study load is the by-product of the existing exam-oriented system, we should reform theexam assessment system. Only in this way can we completely solve the problem.   ......




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  •   该书深入汇出,采用引导练习的方式提高读者的英语写作水平,很适合初级者。
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