
出版时间:2010-9  出版社:中国石化  作者:梅雪  页数:260  


本书作为《新概念英语》的配套听力辅导用书,与《新概念英语》教材每课的内容高度匹配。每一课的话题都源自于该课的内容,让我们在学好教材内容的同时,学会用教材内容流利表达,真正实现输入到输出的语言学习效果。     本书所选对话或文章中句子尽可能多地与《新概念英语》教材中句子相类似;所选对话或文章中单词尽可能多地复现《新概念英语》教材中的核心词汇。这样做能达到一种境界,即读者在做这些听力试题时,顺带着把新概念课文又复习了一遍甚至几遍。英语学习最实用的方法是重复、重复、再重复,我们按规律办事,那么精通《新概念英语》,进而实现灵活使用英语,将是水到渠成之事!






  W: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?  M:I wonder if you could give me some information about active holidays.  W: Active holidays, sir? Can you tell me exactly what you mean, please?around and doing nothing. I get enough of that in my office. What I mean is that I am the sortof man who enjoy swimming, water skiing, those sorts of things, I like anything to do withwater and I dont mind having a rough time. Ive always been used to looking after myself.When I was in the army, I used to get up at five every morning just to see the sunrise.  W:Yes, sir, very interesting. Um.., active holidays, let me see. Oh, yes, what aboutdiving, sir? We can offer you a fortnight off the coast of Cornwall, all-inclusive, of oneweek diving and one week shark-fishing with the local fishermen. Its a very good bargain.  M:Shark-fishing? I dont think I fancy shark-fishing. Is there any chance of getting a bit ofsailing in that part of Cornwall?  W:We dont do many sailing holidays, sir. They are mostly organized by the sailing school.But rowing, canoeing, yes. Are you interested in rowing, sir?  M: Well, I did a lot of rowing when I was at university, but Im a bit out of practice these days.I dont think Ive handled a pair of oars since I went boating on the Thames ten years ago.No, I dont think Id care to spend my holidays rowing.



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用户评论 (总计7条)


  •   结构很清晰,就是内容过于简单了
  •   就是配备的MP3不是所有内容都有
  •   先生说这本书很不错,是同学推荐的。
  •   以前买过一套,这次又买一套,送朋友
  •   书不错,要是有碟就更好
  •   好,很好的
  •   我觉得纸质不太好,不过光盘音质还可以,还有光盘里面没有课文的听力,只有题目的

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