
出版时间:2011-1  出版社:中国石化  作者:孙渝红//蒲燕//赵春江//赵茹兰  




第一部分 真题实战 2010 National English Contest for College Students(Level C—Final) 2010 National English Contest for College Students(Level C—Preliminary) 2010 National English Contest for College Students(Level C—Sample) 2009 National English Contest for College Students(Level C—Final) 2009 National English Contest for College Students(Level C—Preliminary) 2009 National English Contest for College Students(Level C—Sample) 2008 National English Contest for College Students(Level C—Preliminary) 2008 National English Contest for College Students(Level C—Sample)第二部分 模拟训练 National English Contest for College Students(Level C—Model Test 1) National English Contest for College Students(Level C—Model Test 2)第三部分 参考答案及部分录音原文


版权页:插图:One of the largest conservation projects ever undertaken; this international collaboration aimsto safeguard over 24, 000 plant species world-wide against extinction and to secure the future of theUK' s native flowering plants.  A new building to house the seed vaults will open in the summer atWakehurst Place in Sussex.  It will include an exhibition and provide a world resource for seedconservation, research and education.The total project costs is about 80 million.  The Millennium Commission is providing a grantof up to 30 million and we are also particularly grateful to Orange pie whose early commitmentwas so crucial,  and to the Wellcome Trust,  the world' s largest medical research charity.Recognising the enormous contribution that plants make to successful remedies, the Trust hasprovided 9.2 million towards the building itself which will be known as the Wellcome Trust Millen-nium Building.  Much of the remaining cost will be sought from international funding agencies.Why do we need to conserve plants?





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  •   17块就是17块钱的货,一共8套题加2套预测,二十多块的可能也就多套2011年的试题。答案就是答案,没有半点讲解啊,就是一面纸上按顺序列的答案。还是靠自己去钻研试题,考究答案啊。不过也好,自己动手动脑。
  •   东西没有答案 而且也是比较旧的版本 所幸价格还算便宜

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