
出版时间:2011-9  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:周红红,(美)汤姆森 主编  页数:122  




Volume One The Lecture Semester
Section One Introduction
1.1 Teaching Plan of the Lecture Semester
1.2 The Grading Dilemma
1.3 Class Rules
1.4 Speaking Assignments
Section Two New Concepts in Language Learning
2.1 Maslow's Learning Hierarchy
2.2 Ban ma -- Obamat -- and How Adults Learn Language
2.3 Socratic Teaching -- Thinking vs.Doing
2.4 Don't Allow Perfection to Be the Enemy of Level IV English
2.5 What's Happiness
2.6 "One Good Idea to Bring Back with Me on Monday
Section Three Pronunciation Science
3.1 Why Worry About Pronunciation
3.2 Power of the Jingles
3.3 The Jingles
3.4 Poetry
3.5 Music & Oral English Practice
Section Four Vocabulary Wonders
4.1 The First 100 Words
4.2 Vocabulary Sizes of Different Groups
4.3 Survival English -- a Concept to Consider
4.4 Capacity to Learn Words
Section Five Move Forward
5.1 Modern Listening Practice
5.2 The Main Idea, Unity, Coherence and Simplicity
5.3 The W's
5.4 Organization after Brainstorming
5.5 Presentation -- Stand like Lincoln, Speak like Churchill
5.6 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Section Six Discussions and Games
6.1 The Dog and Baby Picture & Picture Story
6.2 PDA
6.3 Laws and Rules
6.4 Western Shopping
6.5 Power of Quotations
6.6 Shipwreck Game
6.7 The Bucket List
6.8 Time Capsule
6.9 Have You Ever
6.10 What's on Your Mind
Section Seven Goodbye and Good Luck
7.1 Final Examination -- a Model of Simplicity
7.2 Life Balance
Volume Two The Game Semester
1.Teaching Plan of the Game Semester
2.The Grading System
Game One Travel Agency
1.Game Description
2.A Mini-Tourist Guide
3.Well Known Resorts and Scenic Spots
4.Tips in Interpretation
Game Two Chinese Culture
1.Game Description
2.Elements of Chinese Culture
3.Tips in Interpretation (continued)
4.A Mini Thesaurus
Game Three Universities of the World
1.Game Description
2.Your Personal Statement
3.Possible Content for Your Statement
4.Your Reference
Game Four Model United Nations Conference
1.Game Description
2.Model UN Preparation Guide
Game Five International Academic Conference
1.Game Description
2.How to Write a Research Proposal
Game Six Election Campaign
1.Game Description
2.Public Speaking
Game Seven Job Hunting
1.Game Description
2.Your Resume
3.Tips for a Successful Interview


  This book is based on experiences ill the classroom andlessons taught (& learned) in China. You' 11 never hear mesay that my ideas are better than someone else' s! I just knowwhat works; and I have tried to find scientific evidence forempiric findings whenever possible.I would like to thank tile Beijing Jiaotong University Pressfor the opportunity to publish this book; Zhou Honghongfor adding her part and her ongoing kindness support;professor Dean Luther for proofreading the manuscrip; mystudents for helping me to understand and grow; the schoolsand places I have taught along this path; my friends, finallymy family, who inspire me to do and be more.  ——Reid E. Thompson    Hello,My friends ,Let's learn and have fun in the coures and you might wonder at how good your English is in the end.  ——Rosy Zhou



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  •   非常喜欢里面的小活动
  •   内容比较简单,老外上课与中国人不同,不同于中国的口语教材,是一本初级口语书,但有些口语活动可以借鉴。

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