快捷英语 名校特训活页卷 阅读理解与完形填空 九年级

出版时间:2010-6  出版社:中国电力出版社  作者:宋志祥 编  页数:128  


一、理念科学:本书编者以新课标、各地考纲及现行主流教材作为编写依据,并在认真研读近千份考卷的基础L精心编写,题目安排由易到难、循序渐进,使训练过程更加科学化:且本书在编写中特别融入了“特训”与“限时”理念,阅读习题的数量与质量完全符合特训要求,适合特定时间段内进行强化训练与重点突破。    二、选材新颖:书中所选文章均源于最新的英文报刊、书籍及网络,语篇均属原汁原味、新颖时尚、图文并茂,融趣味性、知识性与实用性于一身,内容涉及热点新闻、科普  科幻、社会时尚、环保意识等各个方面,不但能够提升学生阅读兴趣,做题的同时还可了 解更多的社会、政治、文体、艺术、科技等方面的知识。      三、难易适中:本书编写以《英语课程标准》规定的词汇量与语法为依据,难度与课程同步,语法不超纲、词汇量及生词数适中,符合相应学段学生的阅读能力要求    四、答案精准:答案解析部分先对文章进行简要的概括性说明,然后详细分析每一题的考点及解题思路,点拨简明到位,便于老师讲解与学生自学自测时参考。      五、名校名师:本书编者队伍由省市教研员、高考试题研究专家及具有多年教学经验的名校骨干教师组成,书中所编选内容均为作者常年教学经验与智慧的体现。     六、方便实用:本书采用活页试卷装帧形式,合理的体例安排既适合教师课堂进行统一训练,也便于学生课下自测,同时满足“每曰一练”的需求。


第一部分 话题阅读1.The Story About Life2.Personal Information3.School and Education4.Interest sand Hobbies5.Dreams and Intentions6.Animal World7.Entertainment and Sports8.Travel and Transport9.Festivals, Holidays and Celebrations10.Language Learning11.Healthy Life12.The Culture and Custom13.The World14.Science and Technology15.The World and Environment第二部分 综合模拟第一部分 话题阅读1.The Story About Life2.Personal Information3.School and Education4.Interest sand Hobbies5.Dreams and Intentions6.Animal World7.Entertainment and Sports8.Travel and Transport9.Festivals, Holidays and Celebrations10.Language Learning11.Healthy Life12.The Culture and Custom13.The World14.Science and Technology15.The World and Environment第二部分 综合模拟模拟1模拟2答案与解析


  As soon as the bell rang on the last day of school, most kids could think of their long summer vacation, but nine-year-old Erica Burch had other plans. She was going to keep on learning.  “Ill be going to the MetLife Center every day to play a game on the computer, to work on math problems in the book my teacher gave me, and to do research on archaeology (考古学).said Burch. “Im going to be an archaeologist when I grow up, you know, and have to work hard to get ready.”  Burch lives in one of the poor neighborhoods in Tampa. She is the kind of kid Boys & Girls Clubs around America want to help.  “Our job is to help all young people, especially those from poor areas, to realize their full potential (潜能),” says Roxanne Spillett, president of the Boys & Girls Clubs of America. “MetLife Learning Centers around the country were started to help kids like Erica achieve their goals.”  The Centers offer kids computers, arts and crafts, a game room, special programs and a gym. They also offer kids a safe place to hang out all year long. The money for such centers comes from the MetLife Foundation, and it was started in 1976 by MetLife Insurance. Now MetLife Learning Centers are open in many cities around the world.




    快捷英语 名校特训活页卷 阅读理解与完形填空 九年级 PDF格式下载

用户评论 (总计13条)


  •   女儿五年级,因为英语比较好,给女儿作为暑假的练习用,是很好的练习教材,买了七到九年级全套的
  •   适合初二学生
  •   实用。儿子用后阅读成绩提前许多,还在继续使用。
  •   是以本很实用的书
  •   内容充实,实用
  •   只是没时间做..
  •   本套书,孩子一直在用,感觉不错
  •   鉴于其他买家的好评我才买了这本英语活页卷。但孩子懒,还没抽出实际来做,所以无法给出具体的评价。先给个好评,待做过后会补充评价的
  •   活页每天练,还可以,但我觉得没有周周练编的好。
  •   比较适合孩子使用,程度适中,有一定提高
  •   对英语一般的人来说是有用的或提高英语也有帮助,老师要买的
  •   收到后感觉内容蛮好的,就是书看上去有一点破损
  •   希望当当的书评真实

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