
出版时间:2011-7  出版社:北京航空航天大学  作者:齐艳婷 编  页数:185  




  方振宇,英语专家、文化学者、出版人、策划人, “振宇英语”创始人。


第一章 全球变暖问题
 Problem of Global Warmin9全球变暖问题
 Older Staff Are More Popular老员工更受欢迎
 Is Life Existing Somewhere Else Besides Earth?地球之外有生命吗?
 Formal Language and Informal Language正式语言和非正式语言
 What Is Wellness?健康是什么?
 The Growth of City城市的发展
 Parents and Pressure父母与压力
 How to Motivate Workers?如何激励员工?
 Spend Wisely精打细算
 What Motivates Consumers to Purchase?是什么让消费者掏腰包?
 Protect Your Privacy请保护你的隐私
 Children Acting as Peacemakers充当和平缔造者的孩子们
 Older People’S Education“Neglected”“被忽视的”老年教育
The Secret of Salary薪水的秘密
第三章 网络时代的来临
 information Superhighway The World in a Minute
 News Repots新闻报道
 Hollywood Idol Star-Elizabeth Taylor Has Died
 Laziness Impacts on Health懒惰影响人的健康
 Recycle All Kinds ofThings回收利用各种东西
 Microsoft Says Google Blocks Competition in Europe Search
 Is Network Virtual Schools Really Well?网络虚拟学校到底好不好’
 Youngladies’New Language新女性,新语言
 Colleges:ConsumerProducts orInvestments ?大学:投资还是消费?
 Are People Who Speak More than One Language Smarter ?
 A Top Gun for the Environmental Movement环境运动的勇士
 AboutCriminal Justice System关于刑事公正体系
 The Impendent Crisis of Heath Care System即将来临的医保危机
 Must Every Little Girl Be the Princess ?每个小姑娘都得是公主吗?
 GooSe’8 Way to Top谷歌的登顶之路
第三章 美国梦有了新主义
 ANewDefination ofAmericanDream美国梦有了新定义
第四章 世界各地风土人情
第五章 世界风情游


  Microsoft has fought legal battles with officials in Europe and the United States over competition in the personal computer market. But now Microsoft is accusing Google of being anti-competitive. A complaint to the European Commission accuses Google of unfairly controlling the Internet search market in Europe.  Google is already talking to the commission about the issue and says it is happy to explain to anyone how its business works.  Google also faces other issues. Gmail users in Chinabegan reporting problems with Google's e-mail service in late February. The problems came as news of the revolutions in the Arab world filled the Internet and there were online calls for protests in China. Google said the government was interfering with its E-mail service.  Google is the world leader in Internet search. But inChina, the biggest search engine is Baidu. And this week, China's largest Internet media company, Sina, dropped Google's search engine from its website. Sina says it is using its own technology.  Last year, Google said a cyber attack from China had attempted to get information from the Gmail accounts of human rights activists. Google also expressed concerns about censorship. So Google relocated its Chinese search engine from the mainland to Hong Kong.  The company is also facing new problems at home. A federal judge in New York has ruled against its plan to put millions of books online.  Google wants to create a digital library of all the world's books. It reached a one hundred twenty-five million dollar deal in 2008 with groups representing writers and publishers. Google agreed to create a system to pay copyright holders when their works are used online.   ……



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