
出版时间:2012-7-1  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:胡适 口述 唐德刚 整理  页数:262  


  《胡适英文口述自传》主要内容包括:John Dewey and Pragmatism、The Pragmatic Theory of Thinking、Development of Methodology、Thinking of a Language Reform in China、Some Accidents that Led to a Revolution、A Lonely Literary Experimental Work and a Revolutionary Manifesto等。




Ⅰ Family and Early Life The People of Hui-chou My Family-the Hu Clan ofShang-chuang, Chi-hsi My Father Ⅱ Student Days in the Uruted States (1910-1917) Meeting People ofDifferent Faiths-My Early Student Life at Cornell University My Interest in American Politics From Agriculture to Philosophy I Became a Trained Public Speaker My Trainingin Parliamentary Procedure Cosmopolitanism, Pacifism and Internationalism-the Political Faith of a Young Student Columbia University (1915-1917) John Dewey and Pragmatism The Pragmatic Theory of Thinking Development of Methodology Thinking of a Language Reformin China Some Accidents that Led to a Revolution A Lonely Literary Experimental Work and a Revolutionary Manifesto Ⅲ Working for a Chinese Renaissance The Outbreak ofa Literary Revolution and Its Achievement Some Characteristics of the Literary Revolution The Chinese Renaissance and Its Four-fold Meaning A Political Interruption: "The May 4th Movement" "Science" and "Democracy" Defined "Concrete Problems v. Abstract Isms": My First Clash with the Marxists A Systematic Study of China's Cultural Heritage "A History of Chinese Philosophy" and Its Subsequent Researches,Particularly on Ch'an Buddhism Historical Research in the Popular Novels (1922-1933) Some Concluding Remarks on the Progress and Setbacks of the Chinese Renaissance Movement Glossary


版权页:   In those years ofrebuilding after the Taiping Rebellion, my father remarried and had three sons and three daughters; but his second wife, weakened by so many childbirths (two ofwhich were twins), died in 1878. My father then decided not to remarry, in order to give himself less ofa familly burden and a greater measure of freedom of movement. So he remained unmarried for more than eleven years. In the meantime, my father had developed a strong interest in the study of Chinese geography, especially in the geography of the Chinese frontiers, an interest which had originated during those years when he was a student at the Lung-men Academy in Shanghai. He continued this study largely because of the eventful changes of his time-the important and rapidly changing international situation in the Far East. My father recorded that he was greatly shocked by the fact that the officialdom and even the intelligentsia were quite ignorant ofthe geography ofthe world, the geography ofthe Chinese frontiers, and in particular the geography of the three northeastern provinces now called Manchuriao. So he was determined to make it his own life work to study the geographical frontiers of the country. After devoting a few more years to the ordering of the troublesome domestic affairs ofhis large family, my father deaded to fiee the limited atmosphere ofthe clan and the local community, and to go to Peking seeking his own future in a wider world. In 1881, at the age of forty, he borrowed ioo silver dollars from a merchant cousin and sailed from Shanghai to Tientsin whence to Peking. From Peking, armed only with two letters of introduction, he travelled forty-two days into Manchuria and amved at Ning-ku-t'a, the headquarters of the Imperial Commissioner, Wu Ta-ch'eng, who was a great scholar by his own right, an archeologist and a statesman. My father told Commissioner Wu that he had not come to seek office or employment. He wanted only his permission and a passport to travel throughout Manchuria and to study the geography of the frontiers. Wu Ta-ch'eng was greatly impressed by my father, whom he took with him on his travels and official missions, especially on those occasions when he met the Russian commissar for the resettlement of the international boundary in 1882. In the same year Wu Ta-ch'eng officially appointed him a member of his Secretariat. Shortly thereafter, Commissioner Wu, without the knowledge of my father, sent to the throne a special memorial recommending my father, Hu Ch'uan, to the government as a man with unique qualifications for important service to the State. That recommendation was a great surprise to my father, who became greatly attached to Wu Ta-ch'eng, and was to assist him in many of his important missions in the years to come.






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  •   读过唐德刚先生译注的《胡适口述自传》中文版,但胡适先生的口述和整理最早都是英文的形式,这个本子的史料意义也正在此。加之胡先生英文水平上佳,读之饶有趣味。
  •   这部书是英文版的胡适口述自传,还没看呢,不过精装书做得挺扎实,排印字体也适当,以后慢慢学习吧。林语堂评价胡适的英文很漂亮。
  •   感谢当当特价让我得以实现购买这书,英文胡适自述除了了解胡适生平还能学习纯正英语,非常有价值。
  •   没怎么查词典,比想象的容易读懂。读自传容易了解作者的真实思想,总看别人口里的胡适,该看看自己描述的~
  •   李慎之先生说:“20世纪是鲁迅的世纪,21世纪是胡适的世纪。”这就不难理解我为何在推荐了鲁迅之后紧接着推荐胡适了。中国近现代学者中,我最敬仰的两个人是陈寅恪和胡适。至于《陈寅恪集》,我估计大多数人跟我一样,就算买了回来也很难有毅力读完,所以还是推荐另一本书好了:《陈寅恪的最后20年》。至于胡适,我本应推荐《胡适文存》才对,可惜买不到,季羡林主编的《胡适全集》倒是将其囊括其中,可是3860元的定价又足以把人雷得里焦外嫩,不如推荐唐德刚执笔的这两本书好了。后一本书其实是前一本书的序言。大师写大师,珠与椟,传与注,皆为瑰宝。《容忍与自由:胡适读本》是我见过的胡适选集中较好的一部,一并推荐。唐德刚写的其他几本书,比如《晚清七十年》、《袁氏当国》,也都是绝对的佳作。
  •   研究大文学家胡适的必读之作。
  •   胡适,值得还念的大师!将来的历史,他的位置会上升到新的高度!
  •   关于胡适的书已经买了很多了,不防再多一本
  •   很喜欢胡适先生的文章
  •   英文很简单很好读。书也非常好
  •   跟其他作品一样,这本自传同样让人心潮澎湃。
  •   学术生平总结,慢慢读。
  •   书我已经读了一大半,胡公的思想让我受益匪浅。
  •   希望能读懂点先驱的思想
  •   正版,,服务不错,,快递果然给力,可是英语基础不好,看不懂
  •   书很好,希望能坚持读下来。
  •   不错,还是确实很有指导意义啊
  •   书应该是正版很好
  •   全英文版有助于提高我的英语阅读水平!!!!!
  •   很好的书,娓娓道来~~值得收藏
  •   非常棒的书,值得细品
  •   很喜欢这本书,也很喜欢作者批评自己的老师的帅气
  •   大师之作,前面诸位评介已经很好,无需多说。
  •   是全英文的,应该不错
  •   粗略看起来,书不错。不过,字小了一些。
  •   书很好,很实用。自己买来看的,还不错,很喜欢!
  •   很赞的胡适英文作品,各方面的好
  •   英文很现代。一些音译的地名像是从方言音译的,读起来比较晦涩,但是后面有音译词汇的词表,这就完美了。
  •   没泡英文里N多年没办法表达得这么溜,实在佩服那个时代的大家们,稳扎稳打,功夫一点没水分
  •   不错,印刷很好,文字也很好,胡适先生英文很好。
  •   唐德刚版的《胡适口述自传》在大陆风行十数年,但是谁人注意到该版本是唐译呢?中文版加了过多的解读,对于一般人来说确实很好,但是如果想自己读胡适,恐怕还是英文原文和未释版的好。胡适的英文很好,读起来也不艰涩,值得推荐~~~
  •   因对胡适的兴趣而买下,装帧不错,还没读
  •   这是最近买到设计最好的书,舍不得拆开的那种。
  •   胡适先生我喜欢,真性情,开一代风气。
  •   老婆大人看的,说是不错
  •   作为商品,质量很好,包装得也很好。刚刚开始读了几页,很吸引人。

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