
出版时间:2012-7  出版社:外研社  作者:胡适 著,周质平 编  页数:255  






National Crisis &Public Diplomacy
A Republic for China
Analysis of the Monarchical Restoration in China
Is There a Substitute for Force in International Relations?
Manufacturing the Will of the People
Reconstruction in China
The Pacific Changes Color
The Changing Balance of Forces in the Pacific
China's Chances of Survival
The Issues Behind the Far Eastern Conflict
The Westernization of China and Japan
To Have Not and Want to Have
What Can America Do in the Far East Situation
Japan's War in China
National Crisis and Student Life
The Far Eastern Situation
An Open Letter to the Guardian
The Meaning of October Tenth
The Present Situation in China
We Are Still Fighting
The Modernization of China and Japan
A New World Order Cometh


版权页:   Article I of the law provides that "the petitioning for a change in the form of the state shall be decided by the general convention of the citizens' representatives." ... The words "shall be decided by the general convention of the citizens' representatives" refer to nothing more than a formal approval of the convention, and are by no means intended to give room for discussion of any kind. Indeed, it was never intended that the citizens should have any choice between a republic and a monarchy. For this reason, at the time of voting all the representatives must be made unanimously to advocate a change of the republic into a monarchy. It behooves you, therefore, prior to the election and voting,privately to search for such persons as are willing to express the people's will in the sense above indicated. You will also make the necessary arrangements beforehand so that there may be no divergence of opinion when the time arrives for putting the question to a vote. Article Ⅱ provides: "The citizens' representatives shall be elected by separate ballot signed by the person voting. The person obtaining the greatest number of votes cast shall be declared elected." Now, the citizens representatives, though nominally elected by the electors, are in reality appointed beforehand by you acting as Superintendent of Election. The principle of separate signed ballot is adopted in this article with the object of preventing the voters from voting otherwise than as directed, and of awakening in them a sense of responsibility for their votes. Again, since the law says that the person obtaining the greatest number of votes cast shall be declared elected it is necessary for you to have everything prepared beforehand. You should prior to the voting, divide the electors into groups, and assign to each group the names of the persons intended to be elected.... Furthermore, deputies should be appointed to supervise the proceedings, and the voters are to be privately instructed to vote according to the secret list of names. In this way the persons elected will not be such as will get beyond our control.






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  •   已购胡适英文文存三套,好评。
  •   以前没有读到过胡适的英文著作,这次看到后真地很遗憾以前的时间浪费得太多。从文字到内容都可以用无与伦比来形容。一句话,无论怎么评价都是对大师的不敬。
  •   速度非常快。谢谢买家
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  •   文笔不错,大家阿
  •   胡适的英文果然了得,关键是大师的救国利民的思想更加值得称道。
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  •   胡适之先生的大作,本篇之前都有小导读很好!

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