
出版时间:2008-12  出版社:天津科学技术出版社  作者:马德高 主编  页数:130  字数:433000  


“精”。精讲、精练、精解。以授人以渔为宗旨,以提高能力为目的。内容讲解与方法传授并重,在学习中总结技巧。  “新”。立意新、体例新、材料新。本书按照最新教材编写,编排体系新、题目设置、观点视角新。  “实”。“实用”、“适用”是本书的编纂原则。本书材料编选注重时效、帖近考试,力求融实用性与高效性于一体。  “活”。背景设置活灵活现,讲解不拘成说,形成新颖独特,内容上图表化、形象化、趣味化。  “巧”。对备考重点、难点、疑点的点拨巧,训练题目设置的角度巧、解题思路的导引巧、知识规律方法的总结巧。  “高”。高屋建瓴,前瞻创新,准确把握中考、教改动向,紧跟先进教育理念,知识主6进解典型性高、权威性高。


1 Where's your pen pal from?  Section A  Section B  Self Check  Reading  语法在线 同步随堂测试2 Where's the post office?  Section A  Section B  Self Check  Reading  语法在线 同步随堂测试3 Why do you like koalas?  Section A  Section B  Self Check  Reading  语法在线 同步随堂测试4 L want to be an actor  Section A  Section B  Self Check  Reading  语法在线 同步随堂测试5 I'm watching TV  Section A  Section B  Self Check  Reading  语法在线 同步随堂测试6 It's raining!  Section A  Section B  Self Check  Reading  语法在线 同步随堂测试7 What does he look like?  Section A  Section B  Self Check  Reading  语法在线 同步随堂测试8 I's like some noodles  Section A  Section B  Self Check  Reading  语法在线 同步随堂测试9 How was your weekend?  Section A  Section B  Self Check  Reading  语法在线 同步随堂测试10 Where did you go on vacation?  Section A  Section B  Self Check  Reading  语法在线 同步随堂测试11 What do you think of game shows?  Section A  Section B  Self Check  Reading  语法在线 同步随堂测试12 Don't eat in class  Section A  Section B  Self Check  Reading  语法在线 同步随堂测试 期末测试题


  Miss Liu is twenty-six years old. She likes children and her teaching work. From Monday to Friday she stays at school and gives the children classes. She has much work to do, but she often plays games with her students afterschool. The children like her very much.  On Saturday she drives her car to her father's house and stays with her mother and father. Sometimes, she goes to see her boyfriend Sam on Sunday. Sam is a police of-ricer. He is busy every day. But he likes his job. He think sit's an exciting and important job.  ......



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